wah72003 發表於 2015-11-29 00:09

onkyo 508 個STANDBY制閃紅燈

小弟用開508已4年幾, 今日睇片時聽到仆一聲, 突然無左畫面, 見到STANDBY制閃紅燈, 之後從插蘇拔走電源線, 過左1.5小時, 再插番電, STANDBY制仍閃紅燈, 按開關制試下開機, 2,3秒便自動關機和閃紅燈, 是否壞咗?

billymud 發表於 2015-11-29 00:33

睇片時聽到仆一聲, 突然無左畫面, 只見到STANDBY制閃紅燈, ....之後無論點開機都只見到STANDBY制閃紅燈,即係機內燒左電子零件。

wah72003 發表於 2015-11-29 02:46

billymud 發表於 2015-11-29 00:33 static/image/common/back.gif
睇片時聽到仆一聲, 突然無左畫面, 只見到STANDBY制閃紅燈, ....之後無論點開機都只見到STANDBY制閃紅燈,即 ...


billymud 發表於 2015-11-29 12:36

wah72003 發表於 2015-11-29 02:46 static/image/common/back.gif

入廠修理費估計都係在 $1000 以下。
如果您擬 DIY, 可以先入去部機既 service/diagnois mode verify error code & verify symptom,then 去 HK_RS component   or Mouser 買到所需元件的。

samnet1 發表於 2015-11-29 12:51

billymud 發表於 2015-11-29 12:36 static/image/common/back.gif
入廠修理費估計都係在 $1000 以下。
如果您擬 DIY, 可以先入去部機既 service/diagnois mode verify erro ...

怎樣入 Onkyo service/diagnosis mode ?

billymud 發表於 2015-11-29 13:38

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2015-11-29 15:48 編輯

samnet1 發表於 2015-11-29 12:51 static/image/common/back.gif
怎樣入 Onkyo service/diagnosis mode ?

呢隻 model 既 panel 好似只可以顯示 firmware 版本, 冇 display error code。但個uP有protection signal output pins, 用錶他下隻腳就知係咪壞功放section。詳情可去download service manual 睇。

You can try a few fixes yourself. To begin, power the receiver off, and disconnect all speakers and components. Try to turn it back on in Tuner (am/fm) mode and see if it will stay on. If it does, power off and reconnect 1 speaker, then power on to test again. Continue this process until you isolate the speaker or component causing the problem, or until everything operates normally.

If this doesn’t change anything, you can try a microprocessor reset: press and hold the VCR/DVR button, while pressing on/standby (power button).

If none of this helps, and it won't power on even after the reset and with nothing connected, it indicates an internal hardware failure, usually resulting from something called a DC Offset condition, meaning voltage leaking between components in the amp.

source credit: http://www.justanswer.com/home-theater-stereo/8p34e-tx-sr508-receiver-won-t-turn-on-red-standby-led-light.html#ixzz3srZs1oug

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