Emotiva XPA- 7 有冇師兄用緊?
Emotiva XPA- 7 有冇師兄用緊?依家US official site減緊好似幾抵咁...........{:8_395:} 本帖最後由 jackiese 於 2015-11-26 10:46 編輯你上網看情楚, XPA 7暫無國際銷售.
The Emotiva XPA-7 Gen 2: surrounded by power.
Palletized Shipping Protects Your Shipment
Since our XPA-7 amplifier is so large and heavy, we palletize (crate) it individually for shipping via LTL freight. This protects its precision electronics and fine finish from damage, and ensures that your amp will arrive in perfect condition. At this time, we cannot ship the XPA-7 internationally.It is only available for purchase in the USA.
以上節錄 emotiva website
Email 咗,可以 Ship wor........重報咗價比我......所以先問吓.....{:8_387:} But shipping so expensive..........Over US300........{:8_369:} jluke7 發表於 2015-11-26 10:43 static/image/common/back.gif
But shipping so expensive..........Over US300........
Emotiva XPA- 7又唔見得特別好力
不如換部新款AVamp或買對新喇叭玩吓 OKOK, 咁算lu............多謝意見{:9_430:} 這個牌子問題多多{:1_336:} 或者出神7..........谂住第時玩atmos............{:9_407:} 神七。。正呀{:6_183:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)