AKG 812 or Beyerdynamic T1 (2)
如果用呢郎前級應該選AK 812 定 Beyerdynamic T1 (G.2){:6_141:}Integrated headphone amplifier
High quality headphones are becoming more popular and as a result there have been a number of customer requests for an integrated headphone output. The headphone output is protected against dust under the chrome-plated brass cover cap labelled “PHONES” and is switched via the “PHONES ON” button on the left. We believe this switching ability to be absolutely necessary for the sound quality as the music signal is then only sent to the used connection. All possible interference factors are thus removed. 812用前級直推都推到;t1的話in case佢有膽噪會冇咁明顯,但就未必推到了
Btw可以考慮埋nighthawk啊 論聲,應該AKG K812 會對味一些
AKG 812非常易壞,我買了不夠四個月已入廠,其實原有設計嚴重問題,基本上無得整,所以係換過隻新嘅畀我,但係設計上嘅死症,好易又會再壞,所以一攞番個「新」耳筒,即時放二手!!信不信由你!當然我本人唔中意T1,最後都係入咗Sennheiser HD800。題外話,當日試聽AKG812、T1、Sennheiser HD800,因為sales求其無set好,結果Sennheiser HD800啲聲好一舊舊,所以先買812,但812賣出後,唔忿氣再試Sennheiser HD800,今次另一sales任試,結果先聽到Sennheiser HD800應有聲底,所以現場試聽,如果set得唔好都未必可以作準。