Cancelled George Miller's Justice League movie
相信未必個個都聽過, WB曾經打算拍一套由batman, superman, wonder woman等角色組成的superhero電影Justice League, 當時其實連演員都已經選好, 打算在2009/ 2010年上映, 可惜最終因為種種原因都係拍唔成.當時演員包括: DJ Cotrona as Superman, Armie Hammher as Batman, Megan Gale as Wonder Woman, Adam Brody as The Flash, Common as Green Lantern, Santiago Cabrera as Aquaman, Hugh Keays-Byrne as Martian Manhunter, Jay Baruchel as Maxwell Lord, and Teresa Palmer as Talia Al Ghul.
不過依家大家有機會睇到呢套"不存在"的電影, 因為佢將有機會製成"紀錄片"的形式, 將當時的concept art, 造型, 過程等公開. (不過要WB批准先得)
目前暫時有得睇就係當時wonder woman的造型.,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1527352879197676872.jpg
個人來說, 希望睇下batman個設計係點的~