有無師兄用緊JH-13 Pro?
外國個個講到拍得住幾十萬喇叭, 幾萬蚊的耳筒, 有點心動... 雖然七八千蚊買對耳塞好似有點多, 但如果真係有咁好音質又好似買得過... 最衰係custom無得試聽... 耳塞可以拍得住幾十萬喇叭,幾萬耳筒....咁你都信?入耳式耳塞所有聲音都靠支幼幼既導管送入耳內,就算入面有幾多個單元都無用,天生就訊息量輸左幾條街~~! "講到拍得住幾十萬喇叭, 幾萬蚊的耳筒" <<< Advertising Bluff!!! {:6_213:} I am using my JH13pro with 7n solid core wire terminated in balanced.It can outperform 15,000$USD setup for sure. 你入對試下得唔得咪知0羅.....{:1_343:}
其實鐵動有咩可能拍得住幾十萬喇叭,單係計bass已經輸晒,連headphone都不如. Bass is nice and deep.The only thing that you might not like is the soundstage on JH13pro, but I am sure that it is the best already comparing with other earphones.You won't know if you never tried it. Bass is nice and deep.The only thing that you might not like is the soundstage on JH13pro, but I am sure that it is the best already comparing with other earphones.You won't know if you never trie ...
wynn 發表於 2009-11-25 14:56 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
The problem with customs is you can never try it if you don't get it... I have already got Westone 3, SE530, TF10-Pro, ATH CK100, ER4P almost all top of the line universal in-ears on this planet (except IE8, which I didn't really like due to its exaggerated bass)... Now serious considering selling all of them and get the JH-13 Pro. Heck, I may still have extra money to get a headphone amp if I am able to sell all those in-ears at decent price.