《Noma: My Perfect Storm / NOMA美食風暴》René Redzepi 紀錄片
本帖最後由 day2013 於 2016-11-1 20:44 編輯導演 : Jon Turteltaub
主演 : Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas, Kevin Kline
美國上映日期: 2015年12月18日
香港上映日期: 2016年11月
Noma my perfect storm is a creative journey into the unique mind of René Redzepi. How did Redzepi manage to revolutionize the entire world of gastronomy, inventing the alphabet and vocabulary that would infuse newfound pedigree to Nordic cuisine and establish a new edible world while radically changing the image of the modern chef? His story has the feel of a classic fairy tale: the ugly duckling transformed into a majestic swan, who now reigns over the realm of modern gourmet cuisine. But beneath the polished surface, cracks appear in the form of old wounds. 2013 stands as the worst year in René Redzepi’s career. We follow him as he fights his way back to the top, reinventing NOMA and reclaiming the title of best restaurant in the world in 2014 for the fourth time.
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