joe19850904 發表於 2011-3-28 15:27


djaddy 發表於 2011-3-30 11:46



答案: 不一定.

正確的, 在看av時加了釘腳和黑麻石是解決不到sub仔振動問題. 之前也遇上前置"走老"問題. 後來, 簡單在釘腳平面地方加上的薄薄雙面膠紙和在前置上面加d重量是可以解決振動問題. 小弟絕對聽不見前置和sub仔有wave cancellation 問題.

在聽2ch歌時, 改放前置在上sub仔上面之後有很大的改善, 因為我DIY這對sub仔每隻都90磅重, 明確地重過市面上d喇叭架!

djaddy 發表於 2011-3-31 17:33

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2011-3-31 17:42 編輯


如果各位心水清的師兄都應該知道 Marantz AV8003 (AV pre-amp) 是不支援 Prologic IIz 或前高置. 那麼如何來放兩個喇叭在上面? 事實上這是雙前置, 小弟從 Oppo BDP83 的 analog RCA out去 Marantz AV8003 的 Zone B 去部 spark 推對 cheap 到無朋友的 Opel MTM 喇叭. 張喇叭方向打上天花.

I tried many different combinations and different speakers. Bi-polar speakers provided a big problem with 定位. I tried pointing the Opel facing the wall and towards the front. Finally, 向天花板射 was the best method.

Many of the older amps do not support HDMI @ zone 2. Even if your amp does support this, the delay will become a great issue. This will cause an echoing effect. The advantage of using analog output instead of HDMI is the extra volume control. The echo effect can be minimized reducing the delay.

My second pair of front speakers are purely control by the volume control. It is not suggested to have the volume too high.

Other chings are using HDMI instead, for their 2nd pair of fronts, to select speakers A or B at the AV amp. But you will need to find other ways to control the sound delay issue.   

It is a very simple and effective method for enhancing your movies and concerts experience with older equipment. This method will not only move up the sound field, but more effectively enveloping your whole room in sound.

效果和前高置差不多, 音場密度及質感改善了很多. Cheap cheap 地實在值得一試!

chcowboy 發表於 2011-5-10 16:25

Hi djaddy,

your diy so impressive & amazing.....

Can i ask u few question for av setting ??!

but i,m so so junior.....{:6_195:}

djaddy 發表於 2011-5-11 06:21

Hi djaddy,

your diy so impressive & amazing.....

Can i ask u few question for av setting ??!

but ...
chcowboy 發表於 2011-5-10 16:25

{:6_189:}Pls feel free to do so.

chcowboy 發表於 2011-6-15 18:33

Hi, djaddy

Let's me introduce my current junior AV setup:
1. Front Speaker PMC DB1+
2. Center Speaker: DB1 MC+
3. Surround Speaker : Klipsch S1
4. Rear Speaker: KEF HTS300I
5. Bass: Magant
6. Amp:Pioneer SC-LX81
7. Bul Ray player: Pioneer BDP-51FD
8. Speaker Cable: President-X
9. TV : Pioneer KRP600M
10.CD player : Azur 340c (Cambridge audio)
i would like to upgrade the current AV set up for si star wars blu-ray (i'm die hard fans) & listen the post-pop signers Lesile & Beyond…..

AV & music :60/40

By the existing set-up, the human voice is so cold when listening pop songs and the sound is not quick but the video is acceptable during playing blu-ray disc….

Anyways, can u share your opinion on which equipment can be upgraded first….
(Buy int.ampor speaker or CD player etc…. )

Thks for your advice…   {:6_195:}

djaddy 發表於 2011-6-21 07:38

Hi, djaddy

Let's me introduce my current junior AV setup:
1. Front Speaker PMC DB1+
2. Center Speak ...
chcowboy 發表於 2011-6-15 18:33

Hi ching,

Pioneer equipment is very analytically, but sounds thin and cold. Your best option is to change thick sound pc & sc. Tested Neotech 5001 sc & pc to be well matched with my Pioneer.
My 2 cents.

chcowboy 發表於 2011-6-21 12:34

ok , Try Try & thanks for your advice....{:6_237:}

xxijixx 發表於 2011-10-31 22:30

DIY雙十仔 - 十仔單元 HiVi SP10
djaddy 發表於 2010-5-6 06:46

想問吓師兄 HiVi SP10表現如何,有無掃褲腳或打心口,我都想整一對,係唔係用天悅功放{:6_162:}

tanglapyan 發表於 2011-11-1 17:13

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查看完整版本: Djaddy的DIY家庭影院 (P.40 update)

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