其實 只是 娛樂圈 裡面 的樂壇 死咗。唱片業 久唌殘喘 也是真的。在今年內,如果冇收錯料的話,最好賣個張 ...
8千幾張…唔知回唔回到本{:6_165:} 粗人敵卡 發表於 2015-10-23 08:43 static/image/common/back.gif
而家仲有下載條數收入, 賣8千隻未必無得賺
反而堆所謂嘅發燒碟, 款款話限量一千隻但賣幾年都仲賣唔哂
開拓國語歌市場的確係另一出路, 不過換黎係香港會賣到死哂响度, R&K新碟就明顯見到, 我賣小塵埃仲多過佢地 樂壇紅咗個幾個新人 去了大陸發展冇回頭
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) andy8888 發表於 2015-10-23 11:39 static/image/common/back.gif
樂壇紅咗個幾個新人 去了大陸發展冇回頭
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
其實 一個真正歌手的發展 應該不只限於賣碟,而是看他的理想可以去到幾遠。
這篇文章 對我來說 都只是 討論緊 娛樂圈裡面的樂壇。不是香港的樂壇。 新歌既碟最多賣八千隻,都唔知夠唔夠俾曲詞編監制錄音混音加上歌手既費用,何況賣得三四千既新碟,所以唱片公司主力賣舊碟,乾手淨腳。anyway今年新歌碟都唔知有冇5張,唔計翻唱。 Basically, we can see so many people are listening as usual and our population are still growing which over 7 million.The music market should be steadily in growth but why it is contracting.Several criterias are impacting to the HK music industry.
1) Technology -Human behaviors is so hard to accept that the music download is replaced by the real copies.It's hard to have the "ownerships feelings" of those software songs copies.Thus, why less guys choose to pay for the dowload.
2) Quality - New Pop songs quality are really the problems which can't attract our mind.Such its make us to go back to choose the oldies for entertainment.
3) Simplicity Platform - Too many platform are existing in the markets but human only prefer the simple one.
{:1_342:} 唉~呢家不停地番炒舊野黎出. 俾你再番炒多幾年呢. 咩都炒晒啦. 正如我所講. 呢家我去買二手舊碟聽舊歌重多過買新碟.
再過多幾年. 咩碟都無得我買架啦. 到時就真係可以正式宣佈死亡. kl122002 發表於 2015-10-22 21:59
即, 甘Q自命自命清高, 到底知唔知咩叫曲高和寡?