本帖最後由 alleelarry 於 2016-5-17 18:51 編輯不管你喜歡不喜歡,孩之寶高層表示:《變形金剛》系列,長拍長有
More “Transformers” — much more, in fact — is on the way.
Hasbro chief Steven J. Davis confirmed in a Q&A that a “Transformers” 5, 6, 7 and 8 are in the works at a Q&A at Mipcom.
“We just finished, as some of you may have read, just an incredible experience,” he said. “We decided that we wanted to plot out the next 10 years of the Transformers franchise, so we got together in a room over a three-month period of time.”
“Nine of some of the most creative writers I have ever worked with, shepherded by Akiva Goldsman, who many of you may know won an Academy Award for A Beautiful Mind and written a bunch of great movies,” he went on. “And they plotted out the next 10 years of Transformers. Similarly, we are doing the same in television and in digital. So stay tuned, Transformers 5 is on its way, and 6 and 7 and 8.”
Paramount, »
- Alex Stedman
參考片段,有關聲明詳見「13:30 - 14:30」:
F_P2fw_DlS4 好的方面想....佢一次過計劃好5,6,7,8集, 咁劇情應該唔會有咁多矛盾吧...
ps: 睇第TF4文哥最尾一野衝出大氣層, 就令我想起TF3佢講過走唔到, 要坐太空船先可以離開...都唔知邊樣真... gashapon 發表於 2015-10-6 10:18 static/image/common/back.gif
好的方面想....佢一次過計劃好5,6,7,8集, 咁劇情應該唔會有咁多矛盾吧...
ps: 睇第TF4文哥最尾一野衝出大 ...
來到第四集的話,已經進化了不少……{:1_352:} 第四集已經都拍到廣告片咁樣{:6_199:} ,之後會拍到點呢!{:6_204:} fm31331 發表於 2015-10-6 10:30 static/image/common/back.gif
第四集已經都拍到廣告片咁樣 ,之後會拍到點呢!
睇戲兼且同時網購!{:1_352:} 我唔算係老變fans, 不過睇電影時覺得幾集劇情加埋就唔合理.
1) TF1密卡登是困在冰內, 1897年被主角的祖父發現. 但TF3就說Sentinel同密卡登相約在地球開會, 但一個早成百幾年到, 另一個仲炒埋機...都唔知佢地點約的...
2) 之前文哥明明說是滯留在地球走唔到, 但TF4又可以一野飛走~~
3)感覺TF2,3調轉會好d. 因TF2直頭是世界末日咁濟
不過我睇TF系列都唔會太認真, 都係睇過就算, 碟都唔會買咁啦~佢拍得落去我有時間都會去睇o既, 不過都係抱住睇下就算的心態咁啦~ gashapon 發表於 2015-10-6 10:43 static/image/common/back.gif
我唔算係老變fans, 不過睇電影時覺得幾集劇情加埋就唔合理.
拍得出的一定會睇,只在乎在那裡睇,{:1_352:} 唉…
唔知點好{:1_331:} 粗人敵卡 發表於 2015-10-6 13:53 static/image/common/back.gif
正如占士邦上一套麻麻地,新一套都照睇啦! 呢樣真係唔講都估死佢實狂拍落去...
變型金剛同POKMAN一樣, 角色同故事都係任佢講...