Inakustik BFA 103 plug 2 Boxes with Invoice
出售: Inakustik Banana BFA 103 2盒,二盒都有全包裝。一盒沒有分別黑白線圈,但絕不影響音色,價錢$380(不議價)。另一盒全齊,價錢$420(不議價)。有發票,但兩盒都在同一發票,故正本給$420,而$380 只供影印本。相片size太大,可whatapps,謝謝 Thanks for interst for all chings. For 2 boxes together, $750 trade in Mongkok, TST, Jordon and Hunghom. $700 traded at Kowlon City pier in To Kwa Wan.
Thanks Push,thanks Push Push still available? how may pc per box? jiauboy 發表於 2015-10-23 18:55 static/image/common/back.gif
still available? how may pc per box?
C hing,
Two boxes were sold.