Sai-Lo 發表於 2009-11-11 21:44

58# ricoy288

the problem is that part of it is 主力牆 and there's a huge 窗台behind. If it's the case the living room will look more spacious, able to play a better surround but you'll find it difficult to 放雜物 {:6_136:}

also, the LEFT speaker will be just beside the balcony while there's much space beside the RIGHT speaker....this will be somewhat imbalanced.......

Sai-Lo 發表於 2009-11-11 21:55

本帖最後由 Sai-Lo 於 2009-11-11 22:04 編輯

it such arrangement better?
-dining area 旁 sideboard
-sofa 左邊 矮櫃
-dining area 窗台
-另可加細矮櫃於toilet 入口的左邊


-a relatively balanced 音場 for L/R speakers
-seemingly bigger dining area
-can play 7.1 or even projector in such confined area
-can use the 走廊 area as it become part of the dining room

-become a 1-room flat, the study room is lost. You can't find a place to sit down and read or you have to use nootbook.
-booming as the width is only 10 ft
-inadequate storage area
-背向窗口, can't view outside when you are sitting on the sofa ,睇電視反光
-rearrange all the electric socket

supergundam 發表於 2009-11-12 09:31

it such arrangement better?
-dining area 旁 sideboard
-sofa 左邊 矮櫃
-dining area 窗台
-另可加細矮櫃於toilet 入口的左邊


-a relatively balanced 音場 for L/R speakers
-seemingly big ...
Sai-Lo 發表於 2009-11-11 21:55

Thank you for your suggestion
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