jackt 發表於 2015-9-23 10:14

師兄,如果CD數量多,一定要考慮買CDP,仲要諗係買最後一部,如果只有小數,咁就不妨考慮用 Network Streaming。

Gorgeous 發表於 2015-9-23 11:43

小寶老豆 發表於 2015-9-23 12:17

Gorgeous 發表於 2015-9-23 11:43 static/image/common/back.gif
一係用 file Player (方便), 一係玩黑膠 (音質), CD player依家黎講唔係一個好選擇

{:9_423:} ... 愈來愈多 lossless music streaming 的確令 CD player 少左優勢...尤其係啲入門至中級嘅 CD Player...

Carlyx 發表於 2015-9-23 15:54

CD player 有存在價值!

bede 發表於 2015-9-23 15:56

我都諗緊同一問題,本身用緊Denon CDP + 2Chanel Amp,唔記得型號,4千左右入門級

其實在同一音源下(CD Player播SACD碟,Media player播SACD rip 出黎既file)
一萬左右CDP既聲同media player既聲邊部靚d?

小寶老豆 發表於 2015-9-23 18:06

bede 發表於 2015-9-23 15:56 static/image/common/back.gif
我都諗緊同一問題,本身用緊Denon CDP + 2Chanel Amp,唔記得型號,4千左右入門級
諗過換DCD-1520AE/2020AE ...

{:1_332:} ... 我白痴低能咁諗...

Network Music Player 至起碼少左個盤嘅成本... 係同價位下應該或者可能份 streamer 同 DAC 會俾返足啲好啲呱~~~

ps. 所以小弟而家試玩下膠膠同CAS; 暫時唔會考慮 CD Player 住...

wklie 發表於 2015-9-23 18:49

FYI.Lumin A1 Network Player vs Esoteric K-03 SACD Player

In comparison with the K-03, the Lumin’s Redbook performance was plainly superior. There was not one area where the Lumin could be considered inferior. Tonal balance seemed a bit more neutral, timbres were more realistic, three-dimensional imaging was just as good, dynamics were outstanding and the Lumin's liquid character provided the in my opinion greater listening pleasure. Let that sink in! This was astonishing performance against the Japanese deck which to me remains one of the very best CD/SACD players on the market and trades for a much higher sticker [$13.000 – Ed]. Comparing DSD playback, I must confess that even though Esoteric is well known for their accuracy, it sounded digital and narrow against the Lumin. It was the latter's streaming which sent me to the concert hall with that very rare feeling of truth and evidence - naturalness, sweetness and scale. The walls of my listening room really seemed to vanish. Still it's quite difficult to describe precisely just how good this sound was. When I listened to Ivan Fischer conducting Mahler's 4th Symphony , I had the sensation of listening to a completely different recording or mastering than with physical disc playback. It was just like comparing a good recording to a direct live event. The Lumin added a kind of analog sound comparable to what can be achieved by the best turntables - but with more realism, depth, dynamics and detail. I felt amazed like a kid listening to the Lumin's DSD playback.

kelvinhin 發表於 2015-9-24 20:33

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

hksarac 發表於 2015-9-24 22:08

kelvinhin 發表於 2015-9-24 20:33 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 And ...


單晶銀Lover 發表於 2015-9-24 22:38

kelvinhin 發表於 2015-9-24 20:33 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 And ...

RIP碟好麻煩? 你用咩RIP碟呀? 幾分鐘RIP完一隻碟啦, 我用dBpoweramp{:8_403:}
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