CA 640a + 640c + KEF 問題
早前買咗二手CA 640a + 640C,但係 640c + 640a 去 Kef XQ1 比起我用 640c + yamaha RXV 3000去XQ1 差.....{:6_126:} 有d 咩問題???{:6_125:} 請幫忙!!!{:6_122:} 點差法 用咩線 點差法? x 2 點差法? x 3 係咪覺得較為簿聲?如果係, 呢個係640a的特色 If 簿聲, try to use acolink power cord 4030 to connect, try 640C first and if not ok, change to 640A , when i change 4030 to my 840C, all the bass from my focus audio comes out and feel comfortable. 本帖最後由 jassxzy 於 2009-10-19 14:02 編輯Gotham 50150 ....
d 聲好散...唔集中.... 全部都係薄聲器材
試用銅PC + 銅SC睇下有無改善~~ If 簿聲, try to use acolink power cord 4030 to connect, try 640C first and if not ok, change to 640A , when i change 4030 to my 840C, all the bass from my focus audio comes out and feel comfortable.
tcflex401 發表於 2009-10-19 13:58
ching, where to buy acolink power cord 4030?how much? Go to 德 發 basement or 秋記. However, it is a little bit expensive. Around 1,600. Go to to buy second hand la....