高音單元 好似死0左 ... 原來係新妾侍, 搞鬼
本帖最後由 ahtau 於 2015-9-19 20:57 編輯各位Ching {:1_347:}
我隻左邊高音單元 好似死0左 ... {:6_121:}
對喇叭聽0左5年咋{:6_140:} 不嬲都好地地 {:6_156:}我仲覺得好好 {:6_134:} {:6_135:}
直頭係我杯茶 {:6_210:}佢雖然係強個出品 MIC (Made in CLONE) {:6_136:}
尋日聽聽0下歌 {:6_200:}突然發覺左邊細聲0左好多 {:6_187:}
我將左右信號線互調 {:6_229:} 都係0甘 {:6_161:}左邊細聲好多 {:6_126:} {:6_125:}
0係唔0係 即係左邊高音單元 死0左呀 {:6_137:}
請問各位Ching {:6_147:}邊樹維修好 {:6_162:} 可能燒左音圈,回廠換個隻喇 gikifk 發表於 2015-9-18 22:38 static/image/common/back.gif
Thx {:6_203:} 你可以去鴨寮街問下,有得修理單原,三幾舊水!{:6_182:} fm31331 發表於 2015-9-18 22:55 static/image/common/back.gif
Thx {:6_195:} {:6_195:} ahtau 發表於 2015-9-18 22:58 static/image/common/back.gif
應該近南昌街嗰面! 本帖最後由 ahtau 於 2015-9-18 23:10 編輯
fm31331 發表於 2015-9-18 23:02 static/image/common/back.gif
請問有茅 佢電話 {:6_190:}{:6_179:} 我試過自己修理,有時好容易 本帖最後由 ahtau 於 2015-9-18 23:19 編輯
gikifk 發表於 2015-9-18 23:13 static/image/common/back.gif
我都上網睇過0下 {:6_229:}, 一般0甘情況 {:6_203:}多數都係燒高音單元 {:6_156:}
可將兩隻高音單元 互調試0下先 {:6_123:}
明天 ... {:6_165:} 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-9-18 23:48 編輯
Use a test tone CD or use a computer to play frequency sweep to confirm that you have a blown tweeter, instead of other problems (like crossover).
When a tweeter in my old speakers was blown, I contacted the distributor but (initially) they refused to sell me parts.
I toke the tweeter to SSP and asked several repair guys for help.All of them rejected to repair it.{:6_199:}
I also looked around SSP to find any similar tweeters.I couldn't find any and, on the bad suggestion of a shop owner, bought a different unit and tried it out.It can produce sound but is not suited for my speaker so the outcome is very bad.
Finally I contacted the distributor multiple times and they found the very last replacement unit they had in the warehouse and sold it to me. {:6_181:}
Good luck.