Nolan 發表於 2015-9-16 14:10

《我們都是這樣長大的》BOYHOOD ~ Movie Review (Work in progress)

It's already been a long time after BOYHOOD was released, despite it being largely praised by the moviegoers, it seemed not many people in Hong Kong really did watch this movie. When it was in theatrical run, I really did plan to gowatch it as I heard about the filmmakers and the actors spent 12 years shooting it, and also, it was based on a true story, these made the movie immensely compelling. Unfortunately, I was too bloody busy,no matter how eager I was, I still didn't have time to witness this masterpiece on a gigantic screen.

A few days ago, I bought this movie on DVD at a home-media shop and finished watching it at night. Some of you might reckon: " If you really did fancy it, why didn't you purchase it on bluray instead of buying it on DVD? Don't be a hypocrite." I can tell you that I'm genuinely fond of BOYHOOD, the reason why I didn't buy it on bluray was, my friends are reluctant to watch these kinda movies(I usually invite them to watch movies with me at home, twice a month, and I'd only buy movies on bluray for which they're interested), it means I'm only the guy who watches this movie, as a matter of fact, I'm not obsessive with the picture quality and the sound effect, I only care about how well the movies perform.

Let's talk about BOYHOOD. Wow! I couldn't believe that the filmmakers and the cast spent 12 years on the production of this movie, and I consider this a very unique method!

(To be continued. I'm temporarily unavailable, I shall finish it later on.)
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