本帖最後由 SonSon 於 2015-11-3 13:59 編輯................ 附圖.................. YBA GC20 可換 相同二手價值既 電源線{:6_165:} chllovehsy 發表於 2015-9-17 10:31 static/image/common/back.gif
YBA GC20 可換 相同二手價值既 電源線
Have interest in YBA, will in HK and can trade next Monday. thanks ballballfee 發表於 2015-9-17 23:00 static/image/common/back.gif
Have interest in YBA, will in HK and can trade next Monday. thanks
OkYBA GC20 on hold for 師兄.
4020 待售中.... YBA GC30 on hold
4020 待售...... YBA GC20 重新待售 $7000....原先hold機位師兄 拎唔到批准{:6_146:}
4020 待售 $1400 chllovehsy 發表於 2015-9-22 14:25 static/image/common/back.gif
YBA GC20 重新待售 $7000....原先hold機位師兄 拎唔到批准
4020 待售 $1400
Rerere Rererere{:6_165:} YBA GC20 待售 $7000
4020 sold..