CDROMRW 發表於 2015-9-12 23:46



CDROMRW 發表於 2015-9-13 00:04

CDROMRW 發表於 2015-9-12 23:33 static/image/common/back.gif

ernietse : thank u, but cannot find vinyl or tape

當年邊有歐美咁有 soundtrack 呀,唔用罐頭音樂而搵人做配樂,已經好好啦{:1_351:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-13 00:19

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-9-13 00:21 編輯

CDROMRW 發表於 2015-9-13 00:04 static/image/common/back.gif
ernietse : thank u, but cannot find vinyl or tape

當年邊有歐美咁有 soundtrack 呀,唔用罐頭音樂而 ...

I think this is the CAN music they used instead of local composition{:1_342:}

ButI feel this music is not simply alocal composition, because it is also the same melody, opening and closing background music playback in Causeway Bay DAIMARU department store in the 70's, have you heard this in there before{:1_332:}

CDROMRW 發表於 2015-9-13 01:28

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-13 00:19 static/image/common/back.gif
I think this is the CAN music they used instead of local composition

ButI feel this...

sorry 無聽過{:6_136:} 我係灣仔人,落親銅鑼灣唔係去維園打波、就係去閣樓買碟{:6_138:}

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-13 02:40

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-9-14 17:38 編輯

CDROMRW 發表於 2015-9-13 01:28 static/image/common/back.gif
sorry 無聽過 我係灣仔人,落親銅鑼灣唔係去維園打波、就係去閣樓買碟...

"就係去閣樓買碟" means the golden peace logo printed on dark brown plastic bag that records store on mezzanine floor, the street level floor sells cassette tape and electronic items such as cassette player... in the early 80's?
京華中心對面 ( 吉利是百貨公司) ? Later they moved to 總統商場内由好潮流太子仔打理? 舊豆皮老板及太太好似移民加拿大了?

其實以前, 即係而家灣仔英皇中心地下有好多唱片鋪啦

kkfung 發表於 2015-9-13 23:29


kl122002 發表於 2015-9-14 13:43

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-9-14 13:48 編輯

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-13 00:19 static/image/common/back.gif
I think this is the CAN music they used instead of local composition

ButI feel this...


我都己唔得左了, 真是可惜當年沒有拍片 {:6_191:}

我知祟光沒有, 松板屋有沒有?三越...好似都無?
以前祟光的化表花是粉紅康乃馨, 卡通人物是大象. 現在幾成了保齡瓶{:6_185:}

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-14 19:48

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-9-14 20:21 編輯




找了好一會, 才知大丸的代表動物是只孔雀.印象中香港的分店好似沒有?
我記得老一輩的師兄對我說過 日本的三大百貨公司中, 不得不去三越的日本橋本店, 大丸的心齋橋店, 因為兩家店內是最美的.

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-14 21:04

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-9-14 21:50 編輯

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-14 19:48 static/image/common/back.gif

You really try hard to find, as far as I recall, I don't think causeway bay Mitsukoshi has official opening or closing song, they just put announcement with random background music, perhaps there was park n shop there on basement third floor and mcdonald on Second floor still opening till 12am, while Mitsukoshi closing around 9:30/10:00pm and they are now fully rent for three floor, unlike Daimaru has her whole two floor own building, Matsuzakaya has three floor own building but the basement was rented to YAMATO japanese restaurant and SANRIO giftgate shop

But I am sure both Daimaru and Matsuzakaya have official theme song playback before opening and closing

Not remember if Tokyu in TST new world or Isetan has official theme song, anybody remember and what song they use?

仲有銅鑼灣珠城百貨, 尖沙咀 lee lee la la, 龍子行, 連卡佛, 大大公司, 平價市場, 大人公司, 佐敦妙麗, 中國國貨公司, 華豐, 新中華,中橋, etc have theme songs???

I only been to Osaka 心齋橋大丸, yes it is beautiful inside building plus outdoor 兩旁種滿楓葉樹

日本橋三越就好似冇去過 , 銀座的三越和松屋都算幾有特色, 新宿伊勢丹其實都幾靚


我想最靚應該係北海道札幌西武 ,可能因為係咖啡色磚牆靚d 好有歐陸味

kl122002 發表於 2015-9-14 21:29

本帖最後由 kl122002 於 2015-9-14 21:32 編輯

ernietse 發表於 2015-9-14 21:04 static/image/common/back.gif
You really try hard to find, as far as I recall, I dont think causeway bay mitsukoshi has officia ...

我曾向 一位大丸做過個, 家下是W 超市的收銀姐姐, 是有一首日本歌, 但無詞的.

吉之島百貨有歌, 仲有詞tim,叫"日日開心吉之島" ,印象係甘樣:

開/關前會播. 記得SARS時定之後有播? 最後一次聽是在康怡那家重新打裝修之後.
唔知太古果家的玩偶大鐘還在不在? 以前好多細路都會等佢報時. 不過之後有一排沒了音樂.

國貨公司好似只有裕華國貨有 , 重新裝修之後沒了以前的音樂.
唔記得中僑, 華豐, 還是華潤, 其中一個有打休息鐘的聲音.

不過到左無得聽而剎時回憶, 真是幾感足.{:6_122:}
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