safin 發表於 2015-9-7 22:34


本帖最後由 safin 於 2015-9-7 22:43 編輯

近日網上看到一種號稱, 是由錄音, master tape開始到聽者耳中使用嶄新的技術, 我之前在youtube睇過Meridian做的demo片段, Roberta Flack的Killing Me Softly大家都聽過, 透過youtube聽的聲音都聽到主音背後和唱, 堂音等都非常立體, 所以有興趣再了解下

據MQA網頁指出, 新技術可比現在HiRes audio file音質更高, 但file size更細, 方便streaming, download


MQA is a revolutionary new technology borne from a simple desire: to bring the listener as close as possible to the artist’s original performance.

Using pioneering scientific research into how people hear, we’ve realised that dream. A technology that captures the full magic of an original studio performance, in a format that’s small enough to stream – to your computer, smartphone or any other device – or download.

With MQA, we go all the way back to the original master recording and capture the missing timing detail. We then use advanced digital processing to deliver it in a form that’s small enough to download or stream.

That’s better-than-high-resolution music, easily streamed to any device you own.

The result is astonishing. Every nuance and subtlety of the artist’s performance – every tiny drop of emotion – is authentically reproduced. When you listen, you’ll be transported right into the very moment of creation.

Decoded by hardware, software player or apppart 4part 1Original master recordingStreamed or downloaded in any lossless formatpart 3part 2MQA encapsulation process

safin 發表於 2015-9-7 22:44

本帖最後由 safin 於 2015-9-7 22:47 編輯

How it works:

1. Original Master recordings

2. MQA Encapsulation process

3. Stream or Download in any lossless format

4. Decoded by hardware, software player or apps
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: MQA

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