neopoleon 發表於 2015-10-5 01:02

I am also thinking between N70A and CXN? Or should I go for a higher grade like AZUR 851N or Lumin D1? What are the pros and cons?

sodiumyung 發表於 2015-10-5 10:32

neopoleon 發表於 2015-10-5 01:02 static/image/common/back.gif
I am also thinking between N70A and CXN? Or should I go for a higher grade like AZUR 851N or Lumin D ...

851n 用緊雞電線都ok,係無得換fuse
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

wklie 發表於 2015-10-5 11:52

本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-10-5 11:54 編輯

tony5229 發表於 2015-9-10 13:50 static/image/common/back.gif
When playing back with NAS 192khz FLAC files, DSF files, CXN would sometimes break/stutter briefly,...

Make sure no one else use the network while you're using the CXN network player.Stop all BitTorrent activities.

Go into router and check that your NAS and the CXN network player are connected as 1000M or 100M Ethernet instead of 10M.

tony5229 發表於 2015-10-5 17:11

wklie 發表於 2015-10-5 11:52 static/image/common/back.gif
Make sure no one else use the network while you're using the CXN network player.Stop all BitTorr ...

Thanks for your tip. actually CA issued a new firmware update and fixed the playback very smooth.

CXN highly recommended.

diff 發表於 2015-10-7 17:59

N70A 行貨最平可以去到幾錢
方便的pm 告知

DragonI 發表於 2016-2-17 10:58

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

JohnChiu0206 發表於 2016-2-17 11:21


wklie 發表於 2016-2-17 11:23

DragonI 發表於 2016-2-17 10:58 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

I don't see anything inherently wrong with a Japanese player not being able to display Chinese.

Lumin can display Chinese / Japanese / Korean (in addition to English).

better2014hk 發表於 2016-2-17 12:28

n50 can,t play dsf file?

kelvinchan 發表於 2016-2-17 13:41

本帖最後由 kelvinchan 於 2016-2-17 13:42 編輯

用得network player梗喺用smartphone/tablet去control,機身個mon出唔到中文字有咩所謂,因為根本唔需要靠佢顯示,另外,N70A熄左機身個screen只會更好聲,自己去聽下就明,買之前我都比較過先入手{:9_407:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
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