buzz1229 發表於 2009-10-17 10:48


首頁講嗰個堆係港版,但鐵盒版係DVD,並唔係Blu-r ...
劉一舟 發表於 2009-10-17 01:18

謝過劉兄解釋,咁唔知你有無英版資料,因見近掛英鎊平,同佢個英版有comics book送,想試下pre-order,謝。{:6_195:}

aidan 發表於 2009-10-17 11:01


rboys 發表於 2009-10-17 19:10


首頁講嗰個堆係港版,但鐵盒版係DVD,並唔係Blu-r ...
劉一舟 發表於 2009-10-17 01:18

劉一舟 發表於 2009-10-18 20:33

謝過劉兄解釋,咁唔知你有無英版資料,因見近掛英鎊平,同佢個英版有comics book送,想試下pre-order,謝。{:6_195:}
buzz1229 發表於 2009-10-17 10:48

英版單雙碟DVD與三碟Blu-ray (2BD + 1 Digital Copy) 將於11月6日發行。

1-Disc DVD
﹣English DD5.1 Surround
﹣Commentary by director J.J. Abrams, writers Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman, producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Bryan Burk
﹣A New Vision - J.J. Abrams' vision was not only to create a Star Trek that was a bigger, more action-packed spectacle, but also to make the spectacle feel real. Every aspect of production-from unique locations to the use of classic Hollywood camera tricks-was guided by this overall objective.
﹣Gag Reel - Bloopers featuring the entire principal cast.

2-Disc DVD
﹣English DD5.1 Surround
﹣Commentary by director J.J. Abrams, writers Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman, producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Bryan Burk
﹣A New Vision - J.J. Abrams' vision was not only to create a Star Trek that was a bigger, more action-packed spectacle, but also to make the spectacle feel real. Every aspect of production-from unique locations to the use of classic Hollywood camera tricks-was guided by this overall objective.
﹣Gag Reel - Bloopers featuring the entire principal cast.
﹣Deleted Scenes with Optional Commentary
﹣To Boldly Go - Taking on the world's most beloved science fiction franchise was no small mission. Director J.J. Abrams, writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, producer Damon Lindelof, and executive producer Bryan Burk talk about the many challenges they faced and their strategy for success.
﹣Casting - The producers knew their greatest task was finding the right cast to reprise these epic roles. The cast, for their part, talk about the experience of trying to capture the essence of these mythic characters. The piece concludes with a moving tribute to Leonard Nimoy.
﹣Aliens - Designers Neville Page and Joel Harlow talk about the hurdles they faced creating new alien species, recreating the Romulans and Vulcans, and designing the terrifying creatures on Delta Vega for the new Star Trek.
﹣Score - As a fan of the original series, composer Michael Giacchino embraced the challenge of creating new music for Star Trek while preserving the spirit of Alexander Courage's celebrated theme.

Blu-ray Disc
﹣English 5.1 Dolby TrueHD
﹣Commentary by director J.J. Abrams, writers Robert Orci and Alex Kurtzman, producer Damon Lindelof and executive producer Bryan Burk
﹣A New Vision (HD) - J. Abrams' vision was not only to create a Star Trek that was a bigger, more action-packed spectacle, but also to make the spectacle feel real. Every aspect of production-from unique locations to the use of classic Hollywood camera tricks-was guided by this overall objective.
﹣Gag Reel
﹣To Boldly Go (HD) - Taking on the world's most beloved science fiction franchise was no small mission. Director J.J. Abrams, writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, producer Damon Lindelof, and executive producer Bryan Burk talk about the many challenges they faced and their strategy for success.
﹣Casting (HD) - The producers knew their greatest task was finding the right cast to reprise these epic roles. The cast, for their part, talk about the experience of trying to capture the essence of these mythic characters. The piece concludes with a moving tribute to Leonard Nimoy.
﹣Aliens (HD) - Designers Neville Page and Joel Harlow talk about the hurdles they faced creating new alien species, recreating the Romulans and Vulcans, and designing the terrifying creatures on Delta Vega for the new Star Trek.
﹣Score (HD) - As a fan of the original series, composer Michael Giacchino embraced the challenge of creating new music for Star Trek while preserving the spirit of Alexander Courage's celebrated theme.
﹣Starships (HD) - This chapter focuses on the unique stories behind the creation of the film's starships.
﹣Planets (HD) - The art department had a number of radically different planets to create. Abrams' desire to shoot on real locations whenever possible led the production team to a number of strange and surprising locations.
﹣Props and Costumes (HD) - Russell Bobbitt had the unique challenge of designing props that were both true to the original series and pertinent to today. Likewise, costume designer Michael Kaplan talks about how he designed costumes that paid homage to a classic.
﹣Ben Burtt and the Sounds of Star Trek (HD) - When famed sound designer Ben Burtt was hired to create sounds for the first Star Wars film, he took his inspiration from the original "Star Trek" series.
﹣Gene Roddenberry's Vision (HD) - J.J. Abrams, Leonard Nimoy, previous Star Trek writers and producers, and scientific consultant Carolyn Porco describe and commend the optimistic and enduring vision of Gene Roddenberry.
﹣Starfleet Vessel Simulator (HD) - Explore extensive data on the U.S.S. Enterprise and the Romulan ship, the Narada. Submerse yourself in breathtaking 360° views and close-ups and review detailed tech information.

kevin_leung 發表於 2009-10-18 21:18

11# 劉一舟

buzz1229 發表於 2009-10-18 21:19

如果無lock B都應該會買,如果有埋中字就一定買{:6_212:}

劉一舟 發表於 2009-10-18 21:36

如果無lock B都應該會買,如果有埋中字就一定買{:6_212:}
buzz1229 發表於 2009-10-18 21:19

估計應該冇lock B,但有中字機會渺茫。都係叠埋心水等中字日/港/韓/台版啦。

doubt 發表於 2009-10-19 02:09

估計應該冇lock B,但有中字機會渺茫。都係叠埋心水等中字日/港/韓/台版啦。
劉一舟 發表於 2009-10-18 21:36

依家派記d新碟係咪就算買日/港/韓/台版都係made in China?

Ricky24000 發表於 2009-10-19 10:27

依家派記d新碟係咪就算買日/港/韓/台版都係made in China?
doubt 發表於 2009-10-19 02:09


kingman 發表於 2009-10-19 20:03

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查看完整版本: STAR TREK 2009Blu-ray/dvd

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