longleg901 發表於 2015-8-27 00:31


如果剛剛開始玩,是否先買耳機先,之後玩耐了才玩DAP和耳矌?我打算一開始時用iphone 我玩住先,我聽開opera, shure 535 is it good?

孤寡詩人 發表於 2015-8-27 09:46

Shure 535 is ok for handling operas from baroque to classical period. Starting from Beethoven, moving on to the gradually robust Romantic operas may be it little to much for it.

Personally, I find Shure lacks a bit of depth, the bass is a little to thin, which makes the double basses a bit sloppy. The vocals are also a bit to sweet and foward, rather unnatural for my taste. Sometimes, Joan Sutherland seems to lack her profound body when you listen to her on Shure. But this is just personal taste, maybe you'll like it.

If you are going to try Shure 535, I suggest that you can also try Earsonics SM3 V2 and SM64, for your interest{:1_343:} .

ftlliu 發表於 2015-8-27 11:15

孤寡詩人 發表於 2015-8-27 09:46 static/image/common/back.gif
Shure 535 is ok for handling operas from baroque to classical period. Starting from Beethoven, movin ...

ching, what's your comment on SM3 and SM64 compared with 535. I tried 535 5years ago, got similar feeling as you. Not my cup of tea. I picked um3x over 535 eventually, recently looking for an upgrade.

dlmc 發表於 2015-8-27 13:33

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

孤寡詩人 發表於 2015-8-27 17:47

ftlliu 發表於 2015-8-27 11:15 static/image/common/back.gif
ching, what's your comment on SM3 and SM64 compared with 535. I tried 535 5years ago, got similar...

SM3 V2 and SM64 have a rounder and fuller sound. The bass is slightly on the heavy side for opera, but generally gives ample layers.

What's your budget for upgrade? If you have $5-7K, you can go for Velvet instead.

Other possible choices include IE800 and Lyra. If you are looking for a fuller, rounder sound, IE800 is always a good choice. If you like natural ambiance, reverbs and lots of headroom, Lyra is a more suitable solution. Velvet, on the other hand, offers a few tuning choices and you can see if any of those tuning fits your ears{:1_352:} .

charliey 發表於 2015-8-28 10:20

本帖最後由 charliey 於 2015-8-28 10:43 編輯

I am using 535 SE, salesmen said it is better than 535.before I bought 535SE, I also tried IE800, shure 846, with my N6, sony mobile phone and Iphone ... finally picked the 535SE ... I use 535SE for pop songs and indeed listen to sony mobile more than N6 (as mobile phone can install moov) ...

did not buy higher level of earphones because of budget but also very detailed earphones may give you all the details of your recordings, including good and bad ... {:1_332:}
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