donald123 發表於 2015-8-24 08:20


但令一方面,blu ray同dvd都support dts, dolby, 即係av amp啦

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

MDLP 發表於 2015-8-24 12:14

本帖最後由 MDLP 於 2015-8-24 12:16 編輯

不如BD機 L/R analog output去 2ch 組合

donald123 發表於 2015-8-24 18:17

MDLP 發表於 2015-8-24 12:14 static/image/common/back.gif
不如BD機 L/R analog output去 2ch 組合

係囉,其實最後都係行2.1好声d, 我就当佢d dts, dolby 5.1 冇到,av amp 都唔用,剩用2.1 amp算对立。

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

wklie 發表於 2015-8-24 18:26

BD Player -> AV Amp pre-out -> 2ch poweramp -> Front Speakers

donald123 發表於 2015-8-24 21:41

wklie 發表於 2015-8-24 18:26 static/image/common/back.gif
BD Player -> AV Amp pre-out -> 2ch poweramp -> Front Speakers

師兄,想問問点解要用av amp,而唔用2.1? 我估brp可以video落tv,而audio落2.1

唔好怪我百痴, thanks
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

wklie 發表於 2015-8-25 00:33

donald123 發表於 2015-8-24 21:41 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄,想問問点解要用av amp,而唔用2.1? 我估brp可以video落tv,而audio落2.1

唔好怪我百痴, thanks

I usually prefer the surround sound track, e.g. DTS HD-MA here:

donald123 發表於 2015-8-25 00:49

本帖最後由 donald123 於 2015-8-25 00:51 編輯

wklie 發表於 2015-8-25 00:33 static/image/common/back.gif
I usually prefer the surround sound track, e.g. DTS HD-MA here:

Thanks CHing for the explanation.

Although adding more speakers would be another problem.

If this is the case, will it be better to use a combined BRP with Amp like OPPO instead of using two separate parts?

Thanks again.

wklie 發表於 2015-8-25 09:37

本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-8-25 09:41 編輯

donald123 發表於 2015-8-25 00:49 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks CHing for the explanation.

Although adding more speakers would be another problem.

I just use the AV amp speaker output to drive the other (surround) speakers.

My point is simpy this, for music concert, I (usually) want surround so I need the AV amp to decode the surround track, and for music purpose improving the front speaker by using a 2ch amp (poweramp, or integrated amp with HT bypass, or pre-amp with HT bypass + poweramp) is really important.With more budget, add more poweramps for other speakers...

donald123 發表於 2015-8-25 22:38

wklie 發表於 2015-8-25 09:37 static/image/common/back.gif
I just use the AV amp speaker output to drive the other (surround) speakers.

My point is simpy th ...

Got it, thanks
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

donald123 發表於 2015-9-10 21:47

wklie 發表於 2015-8-24 18:26 static/image/common/back.gif
BD Player -> AV Amp pre-out -> 2ch poweramp -> Front Speakers

C Hing

One more question, for the BD Player, I am planning to just buy a BR Rom to put in my PC and use it to rip the blu ray.

Will the quality (Audio and Video) of the rip file worse than if I use a BD Player (let's say I will use Pioneer BDP-180) to pay the blu ray?

Thanks a lot again.

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