《3000 Layla / 3000 Nights》Maisa Abd Elhadi
導演 : Mai Masri主演 : Maisa Abd Elhadi, Nadera Omran, Raida Adon, Karim Saleh,
Abir Haddad, Rakeen Saad
加拿大上映日期: 2015年09月 (Toronto International Film Festival)
A newlywed Palestinian schoolteacher is arrested after an Israeli military patrol gravely injures one of her students, provoking a clash between the students and the soldiers. ‘Layal’ ( Maisa Abd Elhadi ) is detained in a high-security Israeli prison where, to her shock, she discovers that she is pregnant. Though she delivers her baby boy while chained to a bed, the child transforms her life and gives her hope. When the women of the prison protest by going on hunger strike, the prison director threatens to take Layal’s child away. With the help of the women, Layal learns to stand up for herself and fight for her child.
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