發表於 2015-8-25 19:03
alleelarry 發表於 2015-8-25 18:49 static/image/common/back.gif
電影能大賣的既然不一定是好電影的話,那麼投資者的眼光也不一定只單純看收入! ...
I wish those investors really did consider the quality of movies because I've already watched many "trashes" in the recent years. As a movie goer, I only wanna watch descent movies but not lucrative "trashes".
發表於 2015-8-25 19:10
Nolan 發表於 2015-8-25 19:03 static/image/common/back.gif
I wish those investors really did consider the quality of movies because I've already watched many ...
發表於 2015-8-25 19:19
本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2015-8-25 19:20 編輯
alleelarry 發表於 2015-8-25 19:10 static/image/common/back.gif
I still don't have time to go to watch movies at threatres, despite having faith in this flick. May be I'll watch it on bluray in the future.
發表於 2015-8-25 19:30
Nolan 發表於 2015-8-25 19:19 static/image/common/back.gif
I still don't have time to go to watch movies at threatres, despite having faith in this flick. Ma ...
發表於 2015-8-25 19:36
alleelarry 發表於 2015-8-25 19:30 static/image/common/back.gif
Actually, I quite fancy this director since watching SHERLOCK HOLMES. But my new job is driving me crazy, even I'm off today, I'd rather watch movies on bluray at home.
發表於 2015-8-26 10:59
本帖最後由 mike384 於 2015-8-26 11:02 編輯
老老實實, 一部戲有冇續集/前傳/REBOOT, 都係得一個終極因素=錢, 要投資者肯畀錢, 最有力的就係票房.
我覺得一部戲好唔好睇唔係重點, 因為只要有好多人鍾意睇, 部戲就收得, 之後就引到人拍, 就算原來的導演覺得冇野好拍, 係錢的引誘下自然會有人黎拍.
一部戲唔怕佢白痴, 因為白痴戲自然有白痴仔入場睇, 尤其係個D 小說改編的, 什麼蝦你波特, 小說我唔提, 套戲拍得真係差, 但票房一樣收到佢笑.(此戲特技真係2流野, 除了頭兩集個主角較可愛之外, 真唔知有咩好睇)
就算主角老哂, 或死埋, 都一樣拍得成, 所以我認為票房的直接影響到一部戲有冇續集的原因, 如果唔係LOTR咁收得, 搵鬼畀咁多錢阿PETER仔將套蝦比人分三集拍咩?