charliey 發表於 2015-8-17 17:18

no.CD quality hi-fi songs can now be downloaded from yesterday by all non-CSL users !I am downloading again all my favorable songs at the best quality again from yesterday ...

but u have to install moov and paying $50 per month then u can keep enjoying the songs

tleonard 發表於 2015-8-17 17:39

想問清楚係 downloading 定係 streaming?不過有 encryption 嘅 downloads 都係得物無所用。

charliey 發表於 2015-8-17 17:47

tleonard 發表於 2015-8-17 17:39 static/image/common/back.gif
想問清楚係 downloading 定係 streaming?不過有 encryption 嘅 downloads 都係得物無所用。 ...

u can download songs for offline (i.e. without any mobile or wifi connection) playing, or u can stream via wifi or normal data connection ... but data connection will sometimes hanging ... and I think downloaded songs are all encrypted as I cannot find those songs saved as wav nor flav format ... {:1_247:}

themouse 發表於 2015-8-17 18:42

googleli 發表於 2015-8-17 15:16 static/image/common/back.gif
請問有無師兄試過在SONY NWZ-2 裝MOOV?


不過可能Moov未搞好Loseless streaming,間中會出現類似跳線情況{:6_146:}
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: 請問moov 果d lossless可否抽個flac出黎在AK240播?

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