Technics RP HV100
Just dug this out from my drawer.I bought this probably 20 years ago.Have not really used it and it has been buried in my drawer all this time.It has for some reason attained a status that I never thought of.Yes, was expensive when I bought it on relative terms and while the case has micro scratches the earphone is as new and no the cable jacket has not deterioration.Well made but no elaborate material or undestructable super alloy housing except good engineering.
From an era of form follows function.
I never like it because it is difficult to drive.Now I finally have a decent headphone amp (Violectric V281) and yes it sounds elegant.I really doubt we have trueadvancement in earphone technology
Love it so much… paid under hk$400 ~20 years ago & it sings 10+ years.{:1_326:} 想不到香港有玩家有珍藏這對耳機啊,而且seamonster兄的這對狀態還這麼好(口水)
seamonster兄這對HV100在世界各地一直都有不少愛好者在找,而且尋找替代品不果,日本有一些資深玩家覺得,相似度比較高的大概有Sen MX985和Toshiba RZE-S70,小弟還未有機會聽到HV100,所以如果seamonster兄和ericcho兄有機會去聽這幾對,不妨分享下和HV100有沒有像到就好了{:8_389:} very nice piece of earphone!! 師兄好,請問technics hv100是否願意出讓,我是動圈耳機的忠粉,自用Tera player,一直想收hv100配合。 本帖最後由 kinhungw 於 2018-3-19 06:29 編輯
這對耳機我在近三十年前開始使用,廠方使用Double Drive技術,當時屬新設計,小弟先後因耳機膠邊爆裂買了三四對,當時價錢約$450,直至這對耳機在市場消失為止。擺了二十年,雖然外觀完美,但因膠邊老化,能否再繼續使用都係疑問。該耳機直接用手提CD播放音效平平,但我用枱擴推,則音效非常好,絕對是一對難推的耳機。 我今日都揾返對出嚟。 呢對傢伙我都珍藏咗幾十年了 本帖最後由 NelsonWong@G 於 2018-5-7 15:08 編輯 本帖最後由 NelsonWong@G 於 2018-5-7 15:08 編輯