pbtour4il 發表於 2015-8-8 09:51

Toy Story: That Time Forgot【反斗奇兵:迷失時空】BD / DVD

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2015-11-3 09:33 編輯

美版 Street Date: 3 Nov, 2015

《反斗奇兵:迷失時空》(Toy Story That Time Forgot),是於2014年12月2日上映的美國3D動畫電影。由華特迪士尼影業發行、彼思動畫工作室製片。本電影為玩具總動員:驚魂夜續集。



Walt Disney Home Entertainment and Pixar have announced the Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray/Digital HD) and DVD releases of Steve Purcell's ABC TV shortToy Story That Time Forgot.

The Blu-ray Combo Pack will include:
•Reptillus!- In this behind-the-scenes look atToy Story That Time Forgot, the filmmakers share a peek at the origins of the Battlesaurs world and culture, and explain the character design and development of its greatest hero, Reptillus Maximus.
• Commentary - Commentary withToy Story that Time Forgot director, Steve Purcell, and head of story, Derek Thompson, on the process of makingToy Story That Time Forgot.
•Toy Story Goes to Comic-Con - TheToy Story that Time Forgot team heads to San Diego to unveil the project to the public, led by their own longtime Comic-Con veterans, director Steve Purcell and head of story Derek Thompson.
•My Unexpected Friend - Feel the power - and sing along - as Reptillus Maximus expresses the depth of his feelings for Trixie in this 80's-inspired karaoke video for his soulful ballad, "My Unexpected Friend."
•Battlesaurs Animated Opening - A 2D animated opening for the fictional animated TV series,Battlesaurs.
• Deleted Scenes with Intros & Outros – Toy Story That Time Forgot director, Steve Purcell, introduces scenes that were developed and storyboarded for the special, but were ultimately cut from the final version:◦Battlesaurs Christmas
◦Light of Play
◦Prisoners of Bone
◦Trixie’s Proposal

The DVD will include:
• Commentary

day2013 發表於 2015-8-8 12:47


Run Time: 21 minutes

carreyjim 發表於 2015-8-9 18:26

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

pbtour4il 發表於 2015-11-3 09:35

港版今日 (3/11) 上架:

反斗奇兵 : 迷失時空 - BLU-RAY
語言: 英語 DTS-HD MA 7.1,粵語,國語,泰語,韓語,葡萄牙語
字幕: 繁體中文,英文,泰文,韓文,馬來西亞文,印尼文,葡萄牙文

Blu-ray 特別收錄 :
◎ Reptillus!
◎ Toy Story Goes To Comic-Con
◎ Karaoke
◎ Battlesaurs - Animated Opening
◎ Deleted Scenes
◎ Commentary

反斗奇兵 : 迷失時空 - DVD
語言: 英語,粵語,國語,韓語
字幕: 繁體中文,英文,韓文,馬來西亞文,印尼文

DVD 特別收錄 :
◎ Reptillus!
◎ Commentary

Hon 發表於 2015-11-3 10:16

carreyjim 發表於 2015-8-9 18:26 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

長出長有, 放心.

kc80000 發表於 2015-11-3 10:38

pbtour4il 發表於 2015-11-3 09:35 static/image/common/back.gif
港版今日 (3/11) 上架:

上次套;「反斗奇兵之驚魂夜」幾好睇,今次當然繼續棒場啦 {:6_157:}

pbtour4il 發表於 2015-11-3 11:19

韓版 Street Date: 4 Nov, 2015

kc80000 發表於 2015-11-9 12:30

kc80000 發表於 2015-11-3 10:38 static/image/common/back.gif

短片大約二十分鐘左右,睇完真係嚇一跳…    瀨嘢{:6_136:}

miller888 發表於 2015-11-9 20:26

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查看完整版本: Toy Story: That Time Forgot【反斗奇兵:迷失時空】BD / DVD

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