本帖最後由 ktsang01 於 2015-8-1 11:38 編輯上星期買了部bc36貪代理送幕,昨天取了代理送的100吋幕,好長有2.5米,自己私家車去取差D上唔到車,回到家搭Lift,差D入唔到,現在我知如果唔搬,最大幕上限100吋?
現在開始煩點樣安裝幕上天花! http://www.avbuzz.com/audio-video/201011/Morpheus/0.htm 有無師兄自己裝,我有油壓鑽,買了4支3cm長拉爆,唔知夠唔夠力?十幾kg重! 本帖最後由 lawzelda 於 2015-8-1 15:44 編輯
仲高過隻門 好過無{:6_168:} Congratulation Chings.
I have the following advice.
1. It is fine to have your suggest Anchor bolts above. Should be strong enogh if your wall /ceiling is solid. Also the bracket/screen can adjust the level. If not.
2. May be better to use 撞爆 + 線杆. So that you can adjust the level of the Screen.
3. If the screen is not level. The whole image will tilted and look funny.
Just my experience.
Thanks. 十幾KG 我會用飛機則~~收鏍絲算~~
萬一第時 UPGRADE 個幕~~拉爆唔啱位~~突出拉爆好肉酸~~或頂住下隻幕
PS : 我之前個110吋拉繩電幕 35KG 都係兩粒鏍絲掛上木天花廊~~掛咗兩年幾都仲好穩 已裝好,黑色身改了白色!最後只上到兩口細拉爆! 恭喜 Ching{:6_139:},呢隻我都覺得幾抵玩,畫質OK嗎?仲有送隻幕效果如何?{:6_141:}