pbtour4il 發表於 2015-7-24 14:56

Inside Out【玩轉腦朋友】BD

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2015-11-3 09:37 編輯

英鐵 Street Date: TBC, 2015

Hon 發表於 2015-7-24 15:25


jason1969 發表於 2015-7-25 10:54


pbtour4il 發表於 2015-7-29 12:19

本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2015-9-17 23:17 編輯

法版 Street Date: 27 Oct, 2015

digiman 發表於 2015-7-29 17:51

must buy

Edict 發表於 2015-7-30 23:31


pbtour4il 發表於 2015-8-15 09:13

美版 Street Date: 3 Nov, 2015

Walt Disney Pictures Home Entertainment has announced the 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack (3D/2D Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD), Blu-ray Combo Pack (Blu-ray/DVD/Digital HD), and single disc DVD releases of Pete Docter'sInside Out.

The 3D and 2D Blu-ray Combo Packs will include:
•Riley's First Date? (In-Home Exclusive Animated Short Film) - Riley, now 12, is hanging out at home with her parents in San Francisco when potential trouble comes knocking: a boy shows up at the door. Can Mom and Dad's emotions handle “Riley's First Date?”
• LAVA (Theatrical Short Film) - Inspired by the isolated beauty of tropical islands and the explosive allure of ocean volcanoes,LAVA is a musical love story that takes place over millions of years. (Available in 3D on the 3D Combo Pack)
•Story of the Story - Director Pete Docter talks about the evolution ofInside Out, from the ideas and memories that inspired the story through the hurdles, explorations and experiences that helped shape it into the film it is today.
•Paths to Pixar: The Women of Inside Out -Inside Out filmmakers, from voice actors to animators to production crew, talk about their paths, their goals, the challenges they've faced and the lessons they've learned along the way
•Mixed Emotions -Inside Out's filmmakers talk about how they decided which emotions to focus on in the story and how they went about creating each one's distinct personality and visual identity
•Mapping the Mind -Inside Out's artists take you through the years-long process of designing and creating a world everyone knows, but no one has ever seen - the human mind.
•Our Dads, the Filmmakers - Elie Docter (daughter of director, Pete Docter) and Grace Giacchino (daughter of composer, Michael Giacchino) bring you behind the scenes for an inside look at the making of the film.
•Into the Unknown: The Sound of Inside Out - What is the sound of a memory forming? Sound designer Ren Klyce describes the challenges - and the unique solutions - involved in creating the aural world ofInside Out.
•The Misunderstood Art of Animation Film Editing - Learn more about the crucial role of an animation film editor, who helps take   the story from its earliest, most exploratory versions, to the final, polished film you see onscreen.
• Deleted Scenes◦Riley Grows Up - In this scene from a version of the film where the primary relationship was between Joy and Fear (then named Freddie), the emotions begin to notice a change in Riley.
◦Joy's Decline - Joy's struggles to make sense of the limitations on Riley's behavior that seem to be springing up at every turn.
◦Misdirection - Joy and Freddie encounter a group of Riley's "retired" imaginary friends, including an early version of Big Bong.
◦Construction - Joy is guided through Riley's mind by a radical non-conformist, Bing Bong, outraged by the demolition of older areas like Imagination Park.

• Commentary - Commentary includes participation from directors Pete Docter and Ronnie del Carmen, and producer Jonas Rivera.
•Mind Candy – A montage of toolkit and interstitials produced forInside Out.
•Inside Out Trailers - A collection of domestic and international trailers made forInside Out.

The single disc DVD will include:
• Commentary

The Disney Movies Anytime (DMA) Exclusives (whichmight be downloadable with the digital copy) will include:
•Designing Abstract Thought -Inside Out character designer Albert Lozano describes the challenging, exciting and appropriately nonlinear process of designing the films "Abstract Thought" sequence.
• Deleted Scenes
•Joy Alone - Pursuing a lost memory underneath the ocean, Joy is given a chance to fulfill her heart's desire.
•Imagination Park - Joy is chased through a reactivated Imagination Park by an antagonistic Freddie.

lkljason 發表於 2015-8-15 16:30


day2013 發表於 2015-8-17 21:42

本帖最後由 day2013 於 2015-8-17 21:46 編輯

   其實Pixar已經創作左條全新短片《韋莉首次約會》(Riely’s First Date)去回應大家嘅渴求!短片日前於美國《Good Morning America》獨家播出,香港觀眾遲D買《玩轉腦朋友》DVD或Blu-ray都會睇到!


pbtour4il 發表於 2015-9-17 23:19

法鐵 Street Date: 27 Oct, 2015
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