jason1969 發表於 2015-7-17 09:32


snormal 發表於 2015-7-17 16:25

to johnmo and edm230 ching,

the outlook of the cable is different from the usual neotech amazon. As i said before it is a diy cable, it just like an ordinary black cable with viable plug you could find on the labkable website. The only authentication is a certificate from Labkable. I believe Peter is a trust worthy guy and he is the dealer of neotech.

I just make this for my ultrasone signature pro. It makes a day and night difference. But i am reluctant to make another one for the HE-1000(haven't bought yet, will go and try next week), it will cost 15k for the amazon DIY cable. I would buy an aurender music streamer instead.

I previously owned hd800 and didn't like it at all. No matter any after-market cable i tried(enterq, siltech, nordost), i still thought hd800 is a sound effect headphone only. The separation and details are great, but the sound stage is too artificial. The sound signature is quite sterile too. I only admit it is a superb monitor headphone.

My system is iMac audirvana> antelope zodiac gold(westminsterlab ultra usb)> pass lab xa30.5 amp(stealth metacarbon xlr)> signature pro. Wireworld silver electra on antelope and electra on xa30.5. Neotech diy amazon from antelope external psu to dac.

It is my greatest pleasure to meet you two chings. Let's share more!

lamfafa 發表於 2015-7-17 21:47

{:6_191:} 超級正啊

johnmo 發表於 2015-7-18 00:53

snormal 發表於 2015-7-17 16:25 static/image/common/back.gif
to johnmo and edm230 ching,

the outlook of the cable is different from the usual neotech amazon. As ...

pass lab xa30.5 amp(stealth metacarbon xlr)> signature pro?

用喇叭AMP直推signature pro,需不需要再另加電阻?

snormal 發表於 2015-7-18 01:49

本帖最後由 snormal 於 2015-7-18 01:51 編輯

No resistor needed but only little volume is allowed from pre-amp. Adding resistors or using the hifiman adapter deteriorates the sound quality. The pass lab amp was for hd800 before. The signature pro is my to-go headphone and i am looking for the desktop headphone. Abyss is the best headphone I've auditioned so far. Apart from the steep price, my head is not big enough for me to obtain the most comfortable position with it. I have to stay still listening. Although it weighs 660g, it is quite comfy. If the he-1000 doesn't suit me, i might go back to Abyss.

I don't believe in any headphone amp any more. Speaker amp won't blow up your headphone, unless you crank the volume way too much.

tleonard 發表於 2015-7-18 02:20

snormal 發表於 2015-7-17 16:25 static/image/common/back.gif
to johnmo and edm230 ching,

the outlook of the cable is different from the usual neotech amazon. As ...

請問 Amazon 嘅 diameter 係咪 9.5 mm 以下呢?

如果係嘅話用 ()) 買一尺之後就有得整兩邊 ViaBlue T6s 頭嘅過機線都唔錯,起碼試到佢嘅聲底如何。

snormal 發表於 2015-7-18 03:20

tleonard 發表於 2015-7-18 02:20 static/image/common/back.gif
請問 Amazon 嘅 diameter 係咪 9.5 mm 以下呢?

如果係嘅話用 ()) 買一尺之後就有得整兩邊 ViaBlue T6s...

the amazon DIY cable is just like any ordinary headphone cable. It's not what you see in notch website. You may go to Labkable to check out the sample.

edm230 發表於 2015-7-18 23:56

snormal 發表於 2015-7-17 16:25 static/image/common/back.gif
to johnmo and edm230 ching,

the outlook of the cable is different from the usual neotech amazon. As ...

Pass Lab X30.5 very nice gear
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

snormal 發表於 2015-7-19 01:06

ironically, the pass lab amp is cheaper than lots of dedicated headphone amps....and looks cooler too. The noise floor is excellent too. I can't hear any noise from my highly efficient signature pro.

johnmo 發表於 2015-7-19 01:09

snormal 發表於 2015-7-19 01:06 static/image/common/back.gif
ironically, the pass lab amp is cheaper than lots of dedicated headphone amps....and looks cooler to ...

用zodiac gold 較音量好聽D,還是PASS LAB自己好聽D ?
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