aw11onfire 發表於 2009-10-13 12:51

what's class xd

At the core of the 840A’s strength is a patent pending, Class XD (crossover displacement) technology.

This unique design gives pure Class A operation at low levels, moving smoothly into an enhanced version of Class B at higher levels. This system should not be confused with Class AB, which inherently generates greater distortion at high levels than a pure Class B design.

XD technology feeds a controlled current into the output stage in a new way so that the usual Class B crossover point no longer occurs at zero volume - the worst possible position in terms of distortion – but at a significant output level.

The result is a smooth and linear transition between the two modes of operation, which differs significantly from the abrupt, distorted gain transition of a Class AB amplifier.

jasonbiker 發表於 2009-10-13 13:42

本帖最後由 jasonbiker 於 2009-10-13 18:23 編輯

依部係classic D 當你玩過純A , 你就會知我講咩 .

Azur 840A (Version 2) Class XD amplifier features
Second generation proprietary Class XD technology
120W per channel into 8 Ohms or 200W per channel...
HP2210 發表於 2009-10-13 12:32
其實840A係Class XD, 是由 ClassA/B改良而來。
應該唔係真正Class D。
每種功放都有自己特點, 無話那種好與唔好!
我明白Class A賣味道, Class D就賣清爽。
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Cambridge Audio 740A/840A

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