新玩具 - lumin d1
剛入手 lumin d1,小弟一向都係用Mac + ak120ii出naim聽歌,但覺得都比較煩,所以四出揾下有冇d player可直接由nas攞歌。最後決定入手d1. 基本上覺得details位多咗,音樂感都高,而最欣賞係用只要iPad 在手就能控制一切! 弓起 ching, 有新玩具. 想問問可否用 android apps 做控制??? 好方便,超正。{:6_139:} {:6_193:} {:6_193:} 換埋 lps, 再煲足佢一個月 , 包你有脫胎換骨o既感覺 ~~~ {:6_134:} andy223 發表於 2015-7-10 16:28 static/image/common/back.gif換埋 lps, 再煲足佢一個月 , 包你有脫胎換骨o既感覺 ~~~
Ching, 你用邊隻LPS? {:6_193:} {:6_149:} JoeJoeJoe 發表於 2015-7-10 15:08 static/image/common/back.gif
弓起 ching, 有新玩具. 想問問可否用 android apps 做控制???
Official LUMIN Android app is under development and will be available later.
Currently you can use Bubble DS Next app, but it cannot configure the player (e.g. PCM -> DSD conversion) and is less convenient to use. andy223 發表於 2015-7-10 16:28 static/image/common/back.gif
換埋 lps, 再煲足佢一個月 , 包你有脫胎換骨o既感覺 ~~~
Which?{:6_178:} GOOD!{:6_139:}