唔通1DSD有廿首{:9_419:}https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/10393803_932904346771897_6537758768022302779_n.jpg?oh=085d58909d83aae1f0f2fb2fb029f1b1&oe=56323E02&__gda__=1445853732_f6dd0d320df12b98664506f7b7917035 呢隻正喎~! Will 發表於 2015-7-6 15:21 static/image/common/back.gif
到時又玩扮缺貨{:8_390:} 老兄
今年一月已領教過{:6_123:} 回復當年初出 SACD 時
1+1 方式發行 本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2015-7-6 00:00 編輯
The original SACD version....
https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1376/586109176_85600b6a37.jpg Soundboy 發表於 2015-7-6 15:52 static/image/common/back.gif
The original SACD version....
Soundboy ching 你真可謂the ultimate cd collector,各地forum 都見你鴻文,佩服之致。BTW 重出這碟係好消息,起碼唔駛炒價買。 twinggy 發表於 2015-7-6 16:17 static/image/common/back.gif
Soundboy ching 你真可謂the ultimate cd collector,各地forum 都見你鴻文,佩服之致。BTW 重出這碟係好消 ...
因為Hybrid SACD已經開始滯消,唱片公司唯有出這招了。 Homme 發表於 2015-7-6 17:28 static/image/common/back.gif
因為Hybrid SACD已經開始滯消,唱片公司唯有出這招了。
因容量關係,單層SACD比hybrid SACD好聲! 本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-7-6 22:12 編輯
for those who already own the 2001 edition, you already have the old blue SONY MUSIC logo + SBM cd, while the new 2015 release will have the new red and black SONY logo and DSD cd
But honestly the 2001 SACD & SBM CD does not sound excellent to me, while I prefer the old GOLD disc (1991) edition more{:1_333:} {:6_193:}must buy