tleonard 發表於 2015-6-12 18:18

插入 1/8" 之前用嘅「音質向上液」Sound Clear Nano 印度神油?

5378 円連稅,唔知師兄玩過未呢?!/items/55562f3e391bb3ce2d005249

cat35a 發表於 2015-6-12 19:29


lp24nelnel 發表於 2015-6-12 21:14


tleonard 發表於 2015-6-13 01:00

標題的確係純粹搞笑,但係加拿大真係有間幾十年歷史嘅公司一路都賣緊 Stabilant 22:


本來以為係壞咗嘅嘢,用過 Stabilant 22 之後又好返:'ve been a user of Stabilant-22 for over a quarter-century now, and in my experience it is simply the best electrical contact treatment in existence.

I used to work in a radio communications shop serving most of the public safety agencies in the county. Law enforcement vehicles had MDT's (mobile data terminals) which consisted of a CRT and keyboard up front, and the radio transceiver and logic units in the trunk. It was very common for a unit not to boot, and the customary "fix" was to take out the logic unit, remove and re-seat all connectors and socketed IC's. Nearly every unit in the field would come in periodically for this.

On my own, I started treating the IC and connector pins and their sockets with Stabilant before re-inserting the parts. One good treatment like that, and I would never see that unit in the shop again. It took some time to convince my skeptical supervisor, but eventually the dramatic drop in the number of service calls made him a believer.

At the time his parents lived in an old house with "screw-in" type electrical fuses. They were always suffering blown fuses because the old sockets would develop resistance and heat up enough to blow the fuse. A nuisance, and a potential fire hazard to boot. He took the Stabilant over to their house and treated all the sockets and fuses. Months later he admitted that since that day, his parents had yet to experience a single blown fuse.I've had more computer hardware problems than you can shake a stick at and Stabilant has come to the rescue over and over again. It's very good at making marginal RAM cards work properly. I use it on RAM cards, expansion cards, wire connectors, etc. - anything that carries electric current. It recently saved a computer for me. It also revived an old rechargeable battery powered Logitech mouse that wouldn't charge in its cradle anymore. I took the cradle apart, applied Stabilant to every connection I could find and voila! It works again!

ozrayyau 發表於 2015-6-13 06:43

tleonard 發表於 2015-6-13 01:00 static/image/common/back.gif
標題的確係純粹搞笑,但係加拿大真係有間幾十年歷史嘅公司一路都賣緊 Stabilant 22:

http://www.stabilan ...


t1174 發表於 2015-6-15 13:24

nono gold 有 short 機的風險,要小心用。
其實 contact cleaner 同 conditionor 有好像產品,平到貴都有,有些甚至會改變系統一些音色。因此有時要配搭用。

ozrayyau 發表於 2015-6-16 11:02

t1174 發表於 2015-6-15 13:24 static/image/common/back.gif
nono gold 有 short 機的風險,要小心用。
其實 contact cleaner 同 conditionor 有好像產品,平到貴都有, ...

我估 nano gold 係液態金屬而有黃金成份,亦可能係珠寶首飾業用嘅「電金水 」一枝hk$980 得 2ml,相信會小心咁用,唔使大嘥呱{:6_141:}
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查看完整版本: 插入 1/8" 之前用嘅「音質向上液」Sound Clear Nano 印度神油?

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