ozonehk 發表於 2015-6-8 11:44

爆米花A410 NMT 有什麼用?

本帖最後由 ozonehk 於 2015-6-8 12:13 編輯

請問 爆米花A410 NMT 有什麼用?


nellwill 發表於 2015-6-8 13:16

NMT Apps is short for NMT Applications. This is a bundle of network services that adds functionality listed below. The services requires a network connection and an internal hard disk, additionally the 200 series can now install the NMT Apps to USB in addition to a HDD. The NMT Apps version has a dependency to a certain firmware version.

FTP - File Transfer server
NFS - NFS remote filesharing server
SMB - SMB remote filesharing server
Torrent - BitTorrent downloader
Usenet - Usenet downloader
Casgle - Vodcast catcher (not included in 200-series NMT Apps)
MyiHome lite - Syabas media rendering, this is outbound rendering in that the content is from the hard disk to the client, the NMT tries to work out if you're on a PC or a MAC
UPnP - Basic UPnP media rendering

From the 200-series onwards the APPS MARKET was introduced. These are not to be confused with the NMT APPS as theyt are flash based applications, such as YouTube, CD backup tool etc.

ozonehk 發表於 2015-6-8 14:40

本帖最後由 ozonehk 於 2015-6-8 14:45 編輯

nellwill 發表於 2015-6-8 13:16 static/image/common/back.gif
NMT Apps is short for NMT Applications. This is a bundle of network services that adds functionality ...

IC, 見他們FORUM 有安装或者升级NMT 教學,所以唔知A410有冇內置 NMT。

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