tonyl626 發表於 2015-6-22 20:16

我又係黑仔,買咗部AV amp 兩年壞咗幾次,最後果次未過保養期攞去整,拎番屋企聽咗一個星期多啲又打柴,依家過咗保養期任佢劏,我以後唔會再買呢隻牌子,之前用過DENON同ONKYO,都冇咁化學真係水皮{:1_250:}

dannymak 發表於 2015-6-23 15:04

Touch Wood, 我部馬仔amp 過左1年還身壯力健{:1_352:}

iwcpaul 發表於 2015-6-25 14:32

我部SA 15S2用咗5年有多一D事都冇,有時電子野好撞手神
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

GuyMocha 發表於 2015-6-29 03:58

本帖最後由 GuyMocha 於 2015-7-2 01:21 編輯

Same here, Marantz quality control and after sales service are horrible. I had a Marantz UD8004 bluray player, the machine broke down after merely 18 months, couldn't read most discs. Marantz charged HKD 2000 to change the entire disc mechanism. Then same problem occurred after 10 months. The player was used once a week and kept in a tidy location. They charged me HKD 800 this time to change the laserhead. Then the same problem occurred again after another 10 months! I doubted what was the real problem but I finally gave up even the machine was great in terms of sound and image.

Also, Marantz stopped updating the firmware after the first year. So after 4 years, UD8004 had trouble playing the new discs from Fox. That's very irresponsible IMHO.

Avoid Marantz!

dklm 發表於 2015-7-1 00:14

本帖最後由 dklm 於 2015-7-1 02:46 編輯


wklie 發表於 2015-7-1 09:41

本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-7-1 09:43 編輯

GuyMocha 發表於 2015-6-29 03:58 static/image/common/back.gif
Same here, Marantz quality control and after sales service are horrible. I had a Marantz UD8004 blur ...

I always say optical heads always die regardless of brand - I had too many such occurrences with CD players, uncountable number of CD ROM and DVD ROM drives, PS2, etc.All died.So I use a network streaming player now.

I have a Denon AVR-3802 that is still working over 10 years (only the remote died), but a coworker has a much newer flagship Denon yet its HDMI just became defective some months ago...

虎百川 發表於 2015-7-2 01:23

大陸做,點都差d,阿sir教落買野一定選日本製或made in Germany
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Maranta 品質己淪為垃圾

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