年經Post:莎木1,2 remaster + 莎木 3
今次係傳Sega 同 square enix 一齊修復莎木1 ,2集之後再o係 2016 年推出莎木 3
唉~~~雖然年年傳一次 (仲準時過女仕d親戚黎~~XDDDD),但仍然懷住興奮但多數失望既心情咁盼待E3既來臨!
http://metro.co.uk/2015/05/20/shenmue-3-planning-e3-reveal-from-sega-and-square-enix-claim-rumours-5206998/ 如果係remaster追加中文版你話成件事加埋係幾咁美好呢? 哈哈~ 仲要有中文版呀?相比起之下,可能通過普選機會會大D添喎!XDDDDD 莎本3 同 FF7 remark...... 除非全世界 game 迷全面抵制廠方所有遊戲嚟逼佢地,否則恐怕下世都唔會出 本帖最後由 lkljason 於 2015-6-16 11:16 編輯
Shenmue 3, the long-awaited and almost-forgotten cancelled Dreamcast project, could be revived if a Kickstarter project is fully funded.
Series creator Yu Suzuki appeared on stage at Sony's press conference to announce the Kickstarter initiative, and said the resulting project would be a "full-on Shenmue experience". The developer is requesting $2 million in initial funding to start work on the project.
"The fate of Shenmue is in your hands," he said.
Although the project was revealed for the first time on PlayStation's stage during its E3 2015 press conference, it will not be a PS4 exclusive.
已供會! 本帖最後由 lkljason 於 2015-6-16 12:28 編輯
畫面暫時無乜驚喜,不過有得出已經好開心,再貪心d希望有中字就好啦{:6_176:} 阿定 發表於 2015-6-16 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif