想問問眾ching,屋企想爆殺蝨蛋,影音器材洗唔洗搵野包住?謝謝解答(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 一定要! 搵垃圾袋封住散熱位就ok?
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 全部器材用保鮮膜包晒佢好啲~~!! {:9_423:} man3006 發表於 2015-6-5 09:22 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...
你覺得点包好呢? Ching-no need la because i'd used this for over 10 years (it's okay) till now no effected{:1_340:} xianglan 發表於 2015-6-5 13:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching-no need la because i'd used this for over 10 years (it's okay) till now no effected
my first hand experience,
i have tried those so many times, and most of the time for more effective i used 2 in 1 go, never wrap anything apart from cookery, food.....
no matter the newly bought av-amp, tv, bdp or the good old 25+ years old pre/psu/power combo, they all still working fine.
so i won't suggest you to wrap your lovely av gears but it's your choice.
on the other hand i would suggest you better pour some bleach into any drain including sinks' drain to avoid them hide in there. by the way, i guess the av-amp and tv are giving a very good warm atmosphere for cockroaches to live and breed.
at least i found some egg shells of cockroach in my crt tv back in the crt era smokeyduck 發表於 2015-6-5 14:47 static/image/common/back.gif
by the way, i guess the av-amp and tv are giving a very good warm atmosphere for cockroaches to live ...
Ching-i do agreed!{:1_351:} 我咁多年都冇包過只係用布蓋住晒D器材算, 事後再用吸塵機清潔吓D灰塵