發表於 2015-7-30 01:33
本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2015-7-30 01:47 編輯
kl122002 發表於 2015-7-29 13:35 static/image/common/back.gif
我覺得自復黑王,, 還有什麼AMCD, LPCD , K2 諸等CD問世時, 大吹開母帶的風潮下的搞出來的.
上面這些版本 ...
honestly the Hong Kong 復黑王 series is just reissue the old vinyl recording to CD format without any sound improvement at all, the black material of CD is so bad that not every CD player can be playable, sometimes even Computer CD-ROM cannot read too! Also sometimes the CD has scar even brand new, QC is poor! printing of paper jacket is terrible, words sometimes is blur!
Comparing to Japan's faithful 復黑王, it is unarguable that Japan records company really do serious research to restore all original vinyl jacket, attachments even promotional stickers, and the cover side-label, all relevant information are there, plus the CD really duplicates the original vinyl label faithfully, and the sound really remastered as well without disappointment so far to me!
but honestly too many format war especially in HONG KONG like AMCD (really has individual numbers printed on CD center), LPCD (sorry to say it is the worth remaster format to me so far, purple color disc again not all CD player can be plabyable, even computer CD-ROM too, I have bad experience the sound has delay like echo on it), K2 remaster technology itself is good and JVC cd pressing is great too, but really depending on the source of MASTER TAPE obviously
one example, if you just buy any regular Japan edition of TERESA TENG's mardarin song such as GOODBYE MY LOVE, you will hear the clarity, cleanness, and details of treble comparing to those remastered dCS, K2, SACD edition of Hong Kong or Taiwan edition, perhaps really what the original MASTER TAPE really sounds about it!
sometime in reality is hard to decide, although the first pressed Japan or silver-ring German pressing may sound more original, natural, faithful and less MSG, but the technology at that time is not as mature as nowadays mastering technology
nowadays some mastering technology + experienced engineer may really reissue really great recording with details we may not hear or miss in the first pressing CD, but really need to get those good review (not marketing gimmick written by the paid writers)
but if MASTER TAPE already damaged or exhausted, it is irrevocable and may sound worse no matter how you remaster
people prefer first-pressing hoping to get the most undamaged sound, however, personally I prefer nowadays 1080 blu ray even with compressed picture and sound than LaserDISC low resolution, low storage limit, lesser sound channels ability
I am not saying the all First-pressing CD are really the treasure, it really depends how much you are willing to pay for the expensive old-edition or relatively affordable reissue edition
if there is third party professional brand like the CRITERIA COLLECTION in DVD / BLU-RAY industry to reissue only the quality-assured music masterpiece, I think CD market can still be healthy surviving globally
Hope someone act as that HiFi criteria brand to reissue great recording on behalf of music labels{:1_263:}
發表於 2015-7-30 01:53
ernietse 發表於 2015-7-30 01:33 static/image/common/back.gif
honestly the Hong Kong 復黑王 series is just reissue the old vinyl recording to CD format without...
題外話CRITERION COLLECTION啲碟我都買唔少!{:9_434:}
發表於 2015-7-30 01:58
kkfung 發表於 2015-7-30 01:53 static/image/common/back.gif
me too, I buy since LASERDISC (see KPS era), then DVD, then BLU RAY{:1_336:}
發表於 2015-7-30 06:40
dc903 發表於 2015-7-29 13:49 static/image/common/back.gif
到時會有一句好聽名字, 叫數碼復修版, 像多年前D舊戲番新, 無晒D雪花或雜訊, 總之就要你付鈔為止. {:1_34 ...
或者遲D有家叫 "音樂資料館" , 專做呢D野. {:6_136:}
不過可能無發燒equipment 就是了.
發表於 2015-7-30 06:55
ernietse 發表於 2015-7-30 01:33 static/image/common/back.gif
honestly the Hong Kong 復黑王 series is just reissue the old vinyl recording to CD format without...
我唔知呢到有幾多人有能力會睇完你的英文分析, 但我有, 而且真是好同意.
1. 日本仔就算翻出, 聲音的處理都仲好過香港
2. 到底是當年的錄音不良而今日聽得到, 還是母帶已損, 是一個事件.
3. 當年的頭版是否真的一流? 非也, 因為科技真是日日新, 這種東西寧新勿舊.
關於 (2),
可能外國其他地方,除日本之外, 不, 可能連日本都無香港出得甘多版本,
HDCD, XRCD, K2, SACD, 24K 金CD, 出左數個有/年後又排住翻出.
有些根本不是大廠, 出不同格式CD的人甚至連識唔識處理錄音的經驗...有時連我自己都質疑.
那個出碟用的source 甘搞法一定有一次會打柴.
發表於 2015-7-30 09:49
本帖最後由 PCM.DSD 於 2015-7-30 10:17 編輯
kl122002 發表於 2015-7-30 06:55 static/image/common/back.gif
我唔知呢到有幾多人有能力會睇完你的英文分析, 但我有, 而且真是好同意.
1. 日本 ...
格式多如繁星, 數都數唔清{:1_331:}
CD、HDCD、HQCD、SACD、XRCD、XRCD2、New XRCD、LPCD、LPCD45、LPCD45II、LPCD1630、K2、K2HD、AQCD、AMCD、SHM-CD、24KCD、1:1 Direct Digital Master Cut、Crystal Disc(玻璃CD)
DSD、ADMS、Abbey Road......
若有遺漏, 請大家增補
發表於 2015-7-30 13:41
PCM.DSD 發表於 2015-7-30 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
格式多如繁星, 數都數唔清
事實甘多format, 都是為了一個好聲音的出發,
1. 無論如何什麼format 都不是最好,
2. 錄音已受損,
或者 3. 根本個source 就早已經麻麻地, 用甘多format 都補救唔到.
發表於 2015-7-30 13:56
PCM.DSD 發表於 2015-7-30 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
格式多如繁星, 數都數唔清
...CD-Video, AVCD,.....Blu-spec, Blu-ray audio(high fidelity pure audio)....{:1_253:}
發表於 2015-7-30 14:26
PCM.DSD 發表於 2015-7-30 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
格式多如繁星, 數都數唔清
發現只有香港既唱片業才會把一張專輯密集式推出不同不同不同不同的版本後, 我已戒掉這種儲碟玩意, 現在寧願用這些金錢出買其他既CD或未買過既專輯.
發表於 2015-7-30 14:32
PCM.DSD 發表於 2015-7-30 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
格式多如繁星, 數都數唔清
Japan cbs sony has blu-spec CD2 (BSCD2)