tleonard 發表於 2015-6-3 06:09

四舊水嘅 iOS app?
http://www.relistenplayer.comRelisten is a proven recovery algorithm and sound optimisation deployed in an elegant music player that will rework the way you listen to the music.

Relisten Player's sound objects classification system, along with its adaptation to the inertial conditions of the speaker, allows you to recover the initial state of the sound wave before the processes of mp3 compression, AD converters distortion and even poor sound takes. The result is a rich and dense sound without increasing mean volume of peaks but with the advent of large amounts of sound objects that previously went unnoticed in your ear.

The luxury app that your High-End system is waiting for.

"I finally took the risk to buy the app and I am no less than astounded. I don´t have a clue how you did it, but the sound is on par with the best DAP´s out there. If Apple now would come with a new iPod Touch 6g 128 GB(at least) than we could be happy and forget about DAB´s costing a small fortune."
Willy Vlyminck, customer.好似吹水唔抹嘴?

可惜無試用版,大拿拿 $398 都幾易中伏。

公司名係 Neoduction,位於西班牙,佢哋嘅免費 Android app 都幾多用途:

tleonard 發表於 2015-7-13 21:18 bought relisten and previously used neutron and before that can opener. Relisten is fantastic.worth $50? Maybe. The detail and separation are insane. I use it with an e12a and it is heaven.等佢出咗新版就去馬。
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