CA 640a
CA 640a 可玩bi-amp嗎?上官網見機背有A,B兩組喇叭輸出, 可以同時接駁到一隻喇叭嗎?thx. I also want to know, bi-amp, bi-wire, =========={:1_332:} That's not true bi-amp. Only bi-wire. 係分開2組喇叭
不可以bi-amp I have a test listening at Radar, the sales told me I can simply connect my bi-wire speakers to its both Speaker A & B slot....
But I doubt..... 650a 唔知又得唔得呢 650a 唔知又得唔得呢
micma 發表於 2009-11-20 00:13
I read its online manual... it doesnt mention.... it just says can connect 2 pairs of speakers & create multi rooms function.....
I read its online manual... it doesnt mention.... it just says can connect 2 pairs of speakers & create multi rooms function.....
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-20 00:18
icic...thanks 絕對可以 , 用A組接去左右喇叭的 HF , B組接去左右喇叭的LF即可 但 HF 與 LF 的 jumper 一定要拔去