robotwtk 發表於 2015-5-15 03:18

一萬左右 DAC 851N CXN N70A

本帖最後由 robotwtk 於 2015-5-15 03:20 編輯

Cambridge CXN 見好似幾好... 請問有無CHING 聽過 , 會否 同 851N 差好遠?
自已有一半時間都AIRPLAY 聽付費Spotify.. 請問 CXN 同 851N 聽呢類會唔會有分別
3選1 .. 見3 部都有 升頻聽串流播放音樂好像好點

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-5-15 09:30

本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2015-5-15 09:41 編輯

851N : ATF2, Twin AD1955 DAC ,oversize toroidal transformer => sure win la{:6_159:}

Swiss High-End :"SOULUTION" also use ATF on their CD/DACPlayers !

Cambridge Audio Azur 85N Network Audio Player
Triple-Threat Network Audio Player, DAC, and Digital Preamp: Cambridge Audio Azur 851N Provides 24-Bit/192kHz Sampling From All Sources and ATF2 24-bit/384kHz Upsampling
Superb-Sounding Cambridge Audio Azur 851N Network Player Offers High-Res Performance, Extensive Wi-Fi Streaming, Twin DACs, Future-Proof Connectivity, Color Display, Simple Control
No matter your digital streaming needs and habits, the Cambridge Audio Azur 851N network audio player has you covered. A triple-threat network player, DAC, and preamp, the company's flagship design one would be remarkable if only for its 24-bit/192kHz sampling from all sources, native 24-bit/192kHz playback, ATF2 24-bit/384kHz upsampling, and dizzying Wi-Fi streaming options that include Spotify Connect, Apple AirPlay, Internet Radio and USB DSD from a computer. But then, you factor in connectivity that includes five USB sockets, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and scads of inputs and outputs. And stellar build quality that comprises twin AD1955 DACs, an oversize toroidal transformer, 4.3-inch TFT color display, premium metal casework, and easy app control. Combine these features with Azur 851N's thrilling sound, and you have a versatile network player ready for hi-res files and anything else you can dream of throwing its way. Your Blu-ray and CD players, smartphones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, and more never had it so good.

High-End Networking Powerhouse
Designed to draw every last drop of detail from every digital audio source, 851N makes streaming and digital audio from phones, laptops, and set-top boxes sound better than you thought possible. Designed from the ground-up for serious performance, it's not only bristling with inputs and outputs, but also internally configured with high-end components.

True High-Resolution Performance
851N features ATF2 24-bit/384kHz upsampling that draws extra detail from every source (even CD, Blu-ray, and "lossless" digital files) and virtually eliminates jitter. The feature-packed 851N also offers 24-bit/192kHz native input from all sources (USB, digital inputs, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi). No matter how you store your high-resolution files, 851N ensures they sound as the creators intended.

Supreme Connectivity and Adaptability
However you like your digital music, 851N will handle it. With five USB sockets, two optical digital, two coaxial digital and XLR digital inputs, plus Ethernet and Wi-Fi, 851N accommodates every source you need: Blu-ray, smartphones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, CD, set-top boxes. and more. Its outputs are equally high-end and wide-ranging, including XLR balanced and RCA unbalanced analog, digital optical and coax, plus an IR control repeater so you can hide 851N in a cupboard if so desired.

Power, Processing, and Panache
Twin AD1955 DACs configured in mono mode ensure maximum fidelity to both left and right signals, while a fully linear power supply makes optimal use of the audiophile-grade toroidal transformer. A Zander processor enables 24-bit/192kHz streaming over Wi-Fi and a much quicker, more intuitive user interface. The visually striking 4.3-inch TFT color display shows current album artwork and more. 851N can be controlled via a remote or smartphone app. The all-metal chassis includes rigid aluminum front, top, and sides to minimize vibration and maximize sonics.

Spotify, Apple AirPlay, Internet Radio, Lossless Formats, and More: All Covered
Extensive playback includes Spotify Connect, Apple AirPlay, Internet Radio, USB with DSD, MP3, AAC, WMA, as well as lossless formats including FLAC, Apple, and Ogg Vorbis. Digital audio connections in and out are covered, as are all major digital streaming services and common digital audio formats. It's all presented in stunning 24-bit/192kHz high-definition clarity. 851N is even compatible with the optional BT100 to allow for Bluetooth streaming, and with internal processors that are upgradable via Internet connection.

sodiumyung 發表於 2015-5-16 14:34

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-5-15 09:30 static/image/common/back.gif
851N : ATF2, Twin AD1955 DAC ,oversize toroidal transformer => sure win la

Swiss High-End ...

我會簡cambridge audio
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-5-16 14:57

sodiumyung 發表於 2015-5-16 14:34 static/image/common/back.gif
我會簡cambridge audio
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

Yes, CA{:6_159:}

hugomember 發表於 2015-5-16 22:11

CA851N 一萬蚊買到咩??

teeteetun 發表於 2015-5-20 11:38


furuya 發表於 2015-5-20 12:20

CA 個app好似唔好用

indigoxx 發表於 2015-7-2 16:52

本帖最後由 indigoxx 於 2015-7-2 16:58 編輯

有無ching用緊851N 或CXN 呢? 唔知係咪直接play 唔到 dsf / dff 呢?

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-7-2 17:51

本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2015-7-2 17:53 編輯

indigoxx 發表於 2015-7-2 16:52 static/image/common/back.gif
有無ching用緊851N 或CXN 呢? 唔知係咪直接play 唔到 dsf / dff 呢?

The 851N/CXN will only support DSD x64 (AKA DSD64 or 64FS) VIA DoP (DSD over PCM). However this is only possible via USB connection to a computer, using Class 2 USB Audio mode.

The 851N/CXN will not be able to play these files from a NAS, as the direct USB Audio connection to a PC is required.

Einstein 發表於 2015-7-2 18:24

我聽過851N, 覺得非常好, 入得過{:6_149:}   
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