HenryYuan 發表於 2015-5-12 16:32

AV Diamond Room 全套電池供电, 無殘响房間

本帖最後由 HenryYuan 於 2015-5-12 16:35 編輯

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No wonder this room is called the Diamond Room...
The team really did a fantastic work !!!

And now, sit down, relax and.... enjoy !

The Diamond Room contains a 7.3 reference setup. The name refers to the Bowers & Wilkins 800 Diamond speakers and lots of AudioQuest Diamond HDMI cables used to facilitate this setup.

In the Diamond Room we can easily listen to and compare reference grade products. The room has been acousticly optimised, so you only hear direct sound from all speakers, the reverberation time lies around 30ms. Acoustical engineers from Mutrox Soundproof Solutions presented them with a normal frequency response down to 10Hz. That's quite a thrill! The whole AV system is battery powered. Two PurePower 2000 models power their complete audio system, while a PurePower 700 feeds their JVC projector. Virtually the system is not connected to the mains. Voice-over part 2 Basicly the PurePower regenerators provide clean and stable mains. Soundwise this results in a uncompressed and very natural sound, presented on a noisefree background. Video content looks very much alive, crisp and with added detail, depth and ease. So why 7 Bowers & Wilkins 800 diamond speakers? For this system they chose for tonal balance, live-like sound and the musical sweetness that the 800 diamond can provide in an intimate kind of way. Using the same speakers for the entire setup adds coherence and drowns you in a 3D soundbublle.

Add that up with 3 Bowers & Wilkins DB-1 subs, you end up with unlimited power and response, combined with an incredible weight and speed in the bass area. When they added the 3rd subwoofer they’ve got the feeling of dynamic reserve and output power like driving a V8 engine. The system just balanced out completely.

The Classe SSP-800 is capable of driving 3 independed subs along with the 3 front channels. Meet their center of digital audio and video thrue HDMI. With it’s movie and music loving hart, it pumps out natural and sweet sound, thruthfull to the original master. Digital amplification is the future. The future is now. In the NAD Master Series the M2 offers the best of digital amplification -speed, accuracy, transparancy-, without losing attention to some of the analogue values they so much like -smoothness, layered soundstage, beautifull musical colours. Magic happens when you combine the Bowers & Wilkins 800 diamond with the NAD Master Series M2. This marriage offers uncompressed sound, speed and musical lightness, without compromising weight and authority in the low frequency area. In the MSB Technology Universal Media Transport (UMT) you’ll find dual HDMI ouputs: one for sound and one for dedicated video that feeds directly into our JVC projector. The seperate power supply contributes to the reference sound and video performance. It will play almost any disc, any file thrue USB or a NAS drive or function as true network player.

Last piece of the puzzle: AudioQuest WILD cables througout the complete system. From AC cable, HDMI cable, XLR cable, Network cable ... to speakercable. Every cable is DBS shielded and offers true dynamics, faithfull and uncoloured sound.

The Diamond Room is all about performance at reference level. That's why they chose the JVC D-ILA X95 projector. Fed by a battery supply and double AudioQuest Diamond HDMI it offers breahttaking 2D and 3D picture quality. Spending time in the Diamond Room is both stunning and dangerous. Stunning because you can experience audio and video at reference level, dangerous...it's so addictive and they won't settle for anything less!

jason1969 發表於 2015-5-12 17:43


jeff113 發表於 2015-5-12 22:39


HenryYuan 發表於 2015-5-15 12:11

雙十都未夠喉, 玩3十, 感覺好似气車 V8 引擎..........一流形容

3rd subwoofer they’ve got the feeling of dynamic reserve and output power like driving a V8 engine.

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查看完整版本: AV Diamond Room 全套電池供电, 無殘响房間

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