SACD 裂芯出現; 極之無奈!
手上有兩隻使用頻密的SACD碟出現裂芯問題, [香港製造]使我欲哭無淚{:9_411:} , CD碟片暫時仲未有發現此情況。本帖最後由 mesozoic 於 2015-5-4 11:24 編輯
邊一年開始聽? 會不會是 SACD player 夾碟太大力 ??? 師兄用乜機 ??? mesozoic 發表於 2015-5-4 11:22 static/image/common/back.gif
2004 囉{:6_174:}
呢隻絕對好嘢{:6_143:} 我用Marantz SACD機, 應該唔關機事而係關隻碟事。2004年起每年都去音響展; 一年一隻儲到依家, 只係頭兩隻有事(2004 & 2005), 再睇番IFPI碼頭兩隻made in HK; 2006打後made in Austria。唔知有無邊隻萬能膠/膠水之類可阻止裂芯惡化? PCM.DSD 發表於 2015-5-4 12:18 static/image/common/back.gif
我用Marantz SACD機, 應該唔關機事而係關隻碟事。2004年起每年都去音響展; 一年一隻儲到依家, 只係頭兩隻有 ...
我以前上老秋見此種專貼CD這個圈圈的膠紙, 不清楚現在還有沒有.
你可以打去問問先 The cracking center rings of SACDs happen on those made in the USA by Crest National (the USA SACD pressing of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon") and the SACDs made in HK by Viva Magnetics (mostly on the PolyGram labels).The discs will still play but there are no guarantees that they will play in the future.The only solution is to buy another SACD of the same title, but made in another place. Soundboy 發表於 2015-5-4 13:43 static/image/common/back.gif
The cracking center rings of SACDs happen on those made in the USA by Crest National (the USA SACD p ...
我都有CREST NATIONAL生產的碟。好彩, 仲未見有大裂痕出現{:1_260:} 真係還得神落{:1_328:}
5知會5會係嗰盒放碟圈太緊? jimmy188 發表於 2015-5-4 15:51 static/image/common/back.gif
市場上有售的SACD絕大部份都是用Super Jewel Box(好似舊年有一批SACD用老番盒), 個個盒一式一樣應該唔會有鬆緊之分, 我估係生產SACD碟的膠粒原材料有問題才引致裂芯出現。