t1174 發表於 2015-5-3 21:18


本帖最後由 t1174 於 2015-5-3 21:20 編輯

Rudiwidjaja Hartono SHARE 到 HEAD-FI FACEBOOK 的:

Rudiwidjaja Hartono
11小時 · 編輯紀錄
I would like to Share the Easy Way to avoid the New AK 240 SS Grounding Problem
Please do like what i always done to All My DAPs and others audio gears
That i never removed The protection film / plastic , now They save my Grounding problem With My AK 240 SS.
I Met Alex An from Iriver Early This Month
He explained to Me about The grouding problem With AK '240 SS as follow :
On AK 240 SS now is The whole body as Ground
The problem some from TRRS at The End is as Ground too
This Contact can Become imbalance sound on our AK 240 SS
The next step AK solution is :
They make small sticker to Stick on our TRRS plug End
AK Will make Speciall TRRS plug For AK 240 SS .
I would like to Share simple solution For This problem :
For all new AK240 SS new owner please do these steps
1. Please don't take out the plastic protector on the AK 240 SS.
2. To make hole on your 2 Headphone out , please use toothpick or needle to stick in the center from these HO
And make it wider that your SE plug can go in , just plug in.
The same thing for your TRRS plug
It is very simple and it can solve the Grounding problem with all your existing TRRS plug
Good luck
Note :
I never pull out all protective plastic on my Daps ans amps , to protect again scratches ,
With my AK 240 SS I don't have imbalance problem ,because of this protective plastic never take out
I am very happy what I done to all my audio stuff become as very simple solution for my AK 240 SS

就是說因為 AK240SS CASE 在夾一些4 PIN PLUG SHORT 了其實一PIN 吧....

chauchin 發表於 2015-5-3 22:58


tleonard 發表於 2015-5-3 22:59






所以都係用日本出嘅頭先至無咁驚,中村同 VentureCraft 都應該大步檻過?

唔單止 marketing 方面同 Apple 走類似嘅路線,設計嘅層面就好似比較難明白點解會揀佢。亦都係因為 marketing 嘅關係,細佬一路以嚟都唔會有興趣玩 A 字頭牌子嘅產品。


佢哋嘅大膽創新就真係令人佩服,可謂成為市場嘅探熱針。唔單止令母公司起死回生,連帶其他大廠 Crystal Cable 都有興趣加入戰團。

期待 RWAK120-B 繼續跌價,咁就有真正平衡 line-out 可以駁マス工房 model404。

t1174 發表於 2015-5-3 23:10

中村有多個透明膠紙圈, 因此 OK, 但昨日我在 SSP 試數只 CM CABLE 也有問題, FINALLY 只有買回 3.5 的.....

斯路 發表於 2015-5-4 00:23

chauchin 發表於 2015-5-3 22:58 static/image/common/back.gif


hiyori 發表於 2015-5-4 10:53

貴價機其實可以用番貴價機既處理方式,如果係真問題,除左sticker呢種hot fix,可能官方要諗諗係推出AK240SS MKII之前回收這批SS幫用家免費升級吧

jonathonpower 發表於 2015-5-4 12:29

hiyori 發表於 2015-5-4 10:53 static/image/common/back.gif
貴價機其實可以用番貴價機既處理方式,如果係真問題,除左sticker呢種hot fix,可能官方要諗諗係推出AK240S ...


小弟之前都有講過4 POLE TRRS 頭要有膠環防電流聲既好處....

玩得高級HEAD FI...點能夠妥協呢D 野


t1174 發表於 2015-5-4 13:14

不妥協不是應該考慮加 amp 嗎?

CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2015-5-4 19:43

hiyori 發表於 2015-5-4 10:53 static/image/common/back.gif
貴價機其實可以用番貴價機既處理方式,如果係真問題,除左sticker呢種hot fix,可能官方要諗諗係推出AK240S ...

The new higher end model is just around the corner... AK will forget about this like it was a bad dream... lol

Andykong 發表於 2015-5-4 19:58

t1174 發表於 2015-5-4 13:14 static/image/common/back.gif
不妥協不是應該考慮加 amp 嗎?

如果 AK240SS 是傳說中般 ultimate, 咁加任何 amp都係妥協!{:6_165:}
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查看完整版本: AK240SS 低級DESIGN FAULT

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