andy223 發表於 2015-5-2 11:29

Marantz NA6005

近日想換部 dac(依家用緊 win8 出 mydac 駁 int amp)
想換部 teac ud-301, 貪佢有 xlr out. 但又驚咁換法分別唔大 ...

marantz 部 na6005 有無 CHING 試聽過 ?

network player + dac , 平平地好似幾抵玩..
但 d 音色唔知同佢兩個亞哥會唔會差好遠呢 ~

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-5-2 13:02

本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2015-5-2 13:04 編輯

Best Buy 解碼細膩音色甜{:6_157:}

針對Computer Audio Source(CAS)市場愈來愈成熟,Marantz宣布推出最新網絡音響NA6005,它是經典型號NA8005的後繼機,支援透過Wi-Fi及LAN線接駁過歌,為數碼音檔進行高分析解碼,內置高階DAC晶片CS4398,支援DSD(2.8/5.6MHz)及192kHz/24bit PCM解碼,音色分析力強,比起用電腦解碼,能突出平時忽略了的音色細節,更能有效減少數碼音訊傳送時難以消除的時基誤差,令音色更流暢自然。此外,兼播FLAC、WAV、DSD、AIFF等音檔,兼容性極強,更設有USB插口,支援接駁iPod、iPhone播歌,靈活性一流。

採用和 "NA8005" 相同的電路結構。DAC 使用的是 Cirrus Logic 公司推出的 CS4398,可以直接解碼 DSD 檔案。配備有去耦電容和時鐘,加入在中高端型號中的專有技術,具有較高的音質。並降低電路抖動,在 DAC 中有一個高度精確的主時鐘。

在 DAC 後的類比電路,使用電路結構類似 "NA8005",擁有充分的分離度。使用高速的擴大電路模組 "HDAM-SA2",並構成一個電流反饋濾波放大器和發送放大器。在分離的左右聲道也確保相同及平行並排,增加訊號的分離度和空間的表達。

此外,還採用 HDAM-SA2 的緩衝型全分離耳機擴大電路,實現了豐富而健全的高解析度,並防止電路間的互相干擾。電源配備大容量 EI 鐵心電源變壓器。從類比電路、數位電路到網路電路,對於每個區塊的電源模組都利用次級繞組做出各自隔離獨立的電源供應,並消除電路間的干擾,提供清潔、穩定的電源。

Enjoy a thrilling high resolution audio experience with the Marantz NA6005 network audio player, which features built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless streaming via dual Wi-Fi/Bluetooth antennas, and built-in Spotify Connect music streaming via your home network as well as AirPlay and internet radio.

Featuring advanced audiophile design and construction, the NA6005 delivers superlative high resolution audio via the reference-class CS4398 high current D/A converter that's coupled with a dedicated jitter removal system, along with 2.8 and 5.6 MHz DSD file compatibility (the file format for high resolution SACD).

Via the available Marantz Hi-Fi Remote App (iOS; Android) you can easily operate the NA6005 from your favorite portable device, and the NA6005 also features a convenient front panel USB port for connection to portable devices and USB drives.

Exclusive HDAM Technology
Equipped with our renowned HDAM technology, the NA6005 features multiple HDAM and HDAM-SA2 modules in critical circuit blocks, including the analog output stage and the headphone amplifier circuit. Compared to conventional IC op-amps, HDAM discrete circuit elements technology delivers ultra high slew rate and high bandwidth to ensure purist audio sound quality.

Premium Grade CS4398 D/A Conversion
Featuring the reference-class high current CS4398 D/A converter handling PCM 24-bit/192-kHz and bitstream DSD, the NA6005 delivers superb fidelity and dynamic range with high resolution audio file formats including PCM and DSD.

Advanced Jitter Reduction System
Working in concert with the CS4398 D/A converter, the NA6005's jitter reduction circuit features a dedicated timing data re-clocking system that eliminates distortion caused by poor timing stability in the incoming audio data stream.

Built-in Wi-Fi & Bluetooth with Dual Diversity Antennas and Dual Band "N"
For optimum Wi-Fi and Bluetooth transmission and reception, the NA6005 boasts highly sophisticated next-generation technology that features dual diversity antennas with individual internal wave guides along with a powerful RF section equipped with dual core 300 MHz DSP processors that help to ensure solid, stable streaming and decoding, even in crowded urban environments.

The Wi-Fi section features dual band "N" high speed auto-band switching technology that constantly seeks out the optimum channels to ensure smooth and glitch-free listening. Via the WPS and iOS Wi-Fi protected setup buttons, you can connect your device with the NA6005 in moments. Via Bluetooth, the NA6005 will remember pairing information of up to 8 devices.

Built-in Spotify Connect Music Streaming; Apple AirPlay; Internet Radio
Available as a free (with ads) or paid subscription (no ads) streaming music service, Spotify boasts one of the largest catalogs of streaming audio recordings in the world, and the NA6005 features Spotify Connect app compatibility.

Owners of popular iOS devices, including the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad can instantly stream their favorite tracks from their iTunes library via AirPlay, which provides one touch automatic turn-on and source selection. The NA6005 is also DLNA 1.5 certified for streaming content from your home PC, laptop PC or Mac.

You can also choose from literally thousands of internet radio stations from around the globe, with a tremendous range of music genre choices.

Wide Range of File Types Supported, Including 2.8 & 5.6 MHz DSD
In addition to compatibility with conventional PCM audio tracks from digital audio sources such as CD, the NA6005 supports no less than 8 additional audio file types:

File type
Sampling Freq.
Bit Rate
Bit Length
File Extension
48-192 kbps
32-320 kbps
176.4/192 kHz
16/24 bits
32/44.1/48 kHz
16-320 kbps
176.4/192 kHz
16/24 bits
32/44.1/48/88.2/96 kHz
16/24 bits
176.4/192 kHz
16/24 bits
DSD (stereo)
2.8/5.6 MHz
The NA6005 supports gapless audio playback with WAV, FLAC, ALAC, AIFF and DSD file types.

Standalone D/A Converter Capability
Via the optical digital input you can use the NA6005 as an audiophile D/A converter when connected to a digital disc player or other digital audio source with an optical digital output.

Audiophile Construction
The substantial chassis features dual layer chassis foundation construction. Instead of having just 1 large circuit board, the NA6005 features multiple individual circuit cards to prevent mutual interference - even the headphone output features its own dedicated circuit board.

Inside, the NA6005 is packed with premium grade active and passive components, including multiple high speed, high current Shottky barrier diodes that boast super fast recovery times and high reverse current protection, plus audiophile grade capacitors and precision tight tolerance resistors.

Standby Recharging System
Featuring smart device recharging, when a device such as a smartphone or tablet is connected to the NA6005's USB port and the NA6005 is put into standby, it continues to charge the device. Once the device is fully charged, the NA6005 enters very low power standby mode for minimal power consumption (less than ½ watt).

Multiple Control Options
Supplied with an ergonomic remote control that's also compatible with Marantz Integrated Amplifiers, the NA6005 also supports the new Marantz Hi-Fi Remote app (iOS/Android) via your home network. The rear panel includes remote control input and output ports for direct connection to a Marantz disc player and an infrared (IR) flasher input for connection to an external control device, along with an RJ-45 LAN port.

60+ Years of Audiophile Heritage
Founded in 1953, Marantz has a long and rich history of designing audiophile components that have been embraced by music lovers and critical listeners around the world. Because Music Matters so much in our lives, the NA6005 carries on our long tradition of delivering a superlative music listening experience.

eric_explorer 發表於 2015-5-2 13:19

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

furuya 發表於 2015-5-2 15:26

pioneer N70A better??

andy223 發表於 2015-5-2 18:30

成份鱔稿黎喎.. 有無 CHING 試聽過呢 ?
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