tleonard 發表於 2015-4-29 04:04

US$49 超低雜訊嘅 12V/9V/5V 靚牛 — iFi Audio 嘅 iPower


如果仲未買貴價 LPS 都有得諗,三四舊水就有交易,用嚟駁長芯盛 optical USB 隻 translator 都得:

買嘅時候記住問清楚係邊隻 Voltage,千祈唔好搞到部機都燒咗,甚至連間屋都燒埋:

5V/2.1A; 9V/1.5A; 12V/1.1A

Acoustic Revive 嘅 RR-77/RR-777/RR-888 用 12V 就啱喇,不過 fanless PC 就唔夠力。

5V 仲可以俾電 CuBox 同埋其他唔超過 2A 嘅 Linux 機仔,RaspBerry Pi 就要加轉頭:!!10058473.jpg_460x460.jpg!!21896723.jpg_460x460.jpg

keytai214 發表於 2015-4-29 11:09

From Wiki:
The function of a linear voltage regulator is to convert a varying DC voltage to a constant, often specific, lower DC voltage. In addition, they often provide a current limiting function to protect the power supply and load from overcurrent (excessive, potentially destructive current).

A constant output voltage is required in many power supply applications, but the voltage provided by many energy sources will vary with changes in load impedance. Furthermore, when an unregulated DC power supply is the energy source, its output voltage will also vary with changing input voltage. To circumvent this, some power supplies use a linear voltage regulator to maintain the output voltage at a steady value, independent of fluctuations in input voltage and load impedance. Linear regulators can also reduce the magnitude of ripple and noise present appearing on the output voltage.

ifi 的 火牛 無標明有無其他 好處,只有單一的 超低 Noise Floor
Noise Floor is the random noise and excl. AC mains related components and switching freq ... ... 是否表明 ifi 火牛 處理不到 AC 本身的問題 ?

如無理解錯 ... LPS 還是 較好 ... ... 而且 價錢亦不是 貴太多 ... 淘淘 tiger fish 的 LPS 都是 大概 HK600 左右
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查看完整版本: US$49 超低雜訊嘅 12V/9V/5V 靚牛 — iFi Audio 嘅 iPower

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