小瑟 發表於 2015-4-23 19:36

【DENON 天龍呈獻】數碼新時代 – Auro-3D 的疑惑

早排我地舉辦左一晚二場【Denon天龍呈獻】數碼新時代 之 家庭影院制式 分享研討會, 用得 Denon AVR-X7200W 來作示範, 當然唔少得就係 Auro-3D 呢個制式啦, 究竟 Auro-3D值唔值得購買, 又或者其實買左部機返來, 係咪一定要 Atmos 同 Auro-3D 二者取其一呢?? 今集【數碼新時代 – Auro-3D 的疑惑】就同大家分享一下啦!!!

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chhanthony 發表於 2015-4-23 21:23

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2015-4-23 21:57 編輯

about object base AuroMax news


Home Press releases Barco continues drive toward “open” approach to cinema sound, ...
Barco continues drive toward “open” approach to cinema sound, debuting AuroMax immersive sound at CinemaCon
Rancho Cordova, Calif., USA – 16 April 2015 – Barco, the worldwide market share leader in digital cinema, further expands its footprint of the Auro 11.1 immersive cinema sound solution, with more than 550 screens committed or installed and over 100 films released in Auro 11.1.
This year, Barco anticipates the beginning of the adoption of a standardized format for immersive sound. As such, Barco will be publically showing, for the first time, AuroMax®: a system that incorporates support for the placement of “objects” in any immersive mix and the most revolutionary rendering technology available from Iosono.

The momentum continues with more “Auro” movie titles
With an open standard format now imminent thanks to Barco, Auro Technologies and other partners advocating for this new “open” approach to sound, production companies worldwide are embracing the Auro-3D® format due to its flexibility and excellent audio quality. Over 100 films have been released globally in Auro 11.1 – including this summer’s blockbusters “Minions,” “Pixels,” and “Everest” – with even more announcements expected in the coming weeks.

Spearheading the evolution of an “Open Format” approach to immersive sound
“Barco and Auro Technologies are proud to celebrate this achievement with our industry partners as we worked diligently to secure the creation of a standardized distribution format for immersive cinema sound. Our desire is to protect exhibitors and studios from potential ‘gatekeeper’ entities that could impose proprietary technology, thus ensuring the ability to play any movie regardless of the system used to create it,” comments Brian Claypool, Senior Director Strategic Business Development for Barco. “Thanks to SMPTE, DCI and NATO representatives, which are also dedicated to developing these standards, our customers can expect more content, with an increased focus on quality, so that audiences understand the full potential of what immersive sound can be. The arrival of these standards will allow content creators to focus on one workflow rather than making sacrifices to create multiple versions of one mix. The arrival of a true standard in the marketplace will help achieve this.”

Premium immersive sound with AuroMax®
Barco has always approached the market with technologies and solutions defined by the requirements of the exhibition industry. AuroMax® continues this tradition by offering the most natural representation of standardized immersive sound at up-to half the cost of a typical object based sound system. Auro-3D sound systems are the only immersive system with 3 distinct layers and a vertical stereo field on screen divided over 6 screen channels to provide a realistic reproduction of sound in movie theaters. All current Auro 11.1 auditoriums are built from the existing 5.1 design philosophy. AuroMax® allows for the discreet placement of “objects”. This makes AuroMax compatible and upgradable with existing Auro 11.1 systems. This new approach maintains the same large sweet spot and guarantees the most natural representation of channel- and object-based immersive sound as intended by the creators, regardless of the size of the room.

Platform flexibility for studios
More than 35 leading post-production studios have installed the Auro-3D® Studio System, with more on the horizon because of its ability to offer total freedom to content creators regarding immersive sound development. “An open standard ensures that no manufacturer can hold exhibitors hostage by levying license fees for immersive audio. Instead, studios can effortlessly create both channel- and object-based sound masters for movies without fear of incurring exorbitant costs or being locked-in to one authoring or playback system. Best of all, by using the Auro-3D® Creative Tool Suite, a single distribution master can be created within the existing workflow that can be used on any legacy or new immersive audio system to ensure the widest distribution of their movies,” comments Wilfried Van Baelen, inventor of the Auro-3D® concept and CEO of Auro Technologies.

The most natural acoustical experience
Auro 11.1 by Barco is designed in accordance with a sound reproduction layout consisting of three layers (traditional surround sound with height and overhead layers), which enables studio sound mixers to move objects around in space to create the most realistic and acoustically perfect experience. Auro 11.1 is fully compatible with existing audio equipment and current workflows. Auro 11.1 is an integral part of the CinemaBarco experience.

CinemaBarco is a complete cinema experience featuring unmatched sight and sound technology designed to re-ignite the magic of the movies. Barco offers unprecedented solutions and economics to the cinema industry, focused on delivering compelling experiences for cinema audiences that also generate additional revenue for our exhibition partners

About Auro Technologies
Auro Technologies (www.auro-3d.com; www.auro-technologies.com) is a spin-off of the Galaxy Studios Group and owner of the Auro-3D® Technology Suite. The Auro-3D® Concept and Listening Formats have been designed by Wilfried Van Baelen, founder of Galaxy Studios, which is renowned worldwide for its state-of-the-art leadership in audio innovation for music and film sound. The Auro-3D® suite offers ground-breaking, easy-to-use and unprecedented levels of sound reproduction capabilities to the professional, automotive, broadcast and consumer electronics (such as gaming, smart phones, multimedia PC, notebooks, tablets, audio players, digital TV, media libraries and packaged media) markets.

About Barco
Barco, a global technology company, designs and develops networked visualization products for the Entertainment, Enterprise and Healthcare markets. Barco has its own facilities for Sales & Marketing, Customer Support, R&D and Manufacturing in Europe, North America and APAC. Barco (NYSE Euronext Brussels: BAR) is active in more than 90 countries with 3,250 employees worldwide. Barco posted sales of 1.051 billion euro in 2014.

小瑟 發表於 2015-4-24 10:15

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

ykluk 發表於 2015-4-24 10:22

有靚仔出場, 一定要睇~~!!! {:8_362:}{:8_368:}

chhanthony 發表於 2015-4-24 16:19

小瑟 發表於 2015-4-24 10:15 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

Channel base Auro3D已經玩完,將會改行Object Base嘅AuroMax

小瑟 發表於 2015-4-24 17:00

ykluk 發表於 2015-4-24 10:22 static/image/common/back.gif
有靚仔出場, 一定要睇~~!!!

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

小瑟 發表於 2015-4-24 17:00

chhanthony 發表於 2015-4-24 16:19 static/image/common/back.gif
Channel base Auro3D已經玩完,將會改行Object Base嘅AuroMax

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

chhanthony 發表於 2015-4-24 17:25

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2015-4-24 17:27 編輯

小瑟 發表於 2015-4-24 17:00 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)


chanherry 發表於 2015-4-26 04:16

chhanthony 發表於 2015-4-24 17:25 static/image/common/back.gif
希望依家啲機可以過渡上AuroMax,講真Auro3D除咗隻Demo外,到家下真係唔見有其他碟,真係有啲出師未捷嘅 ...

以小弟理解auro係一間頗為瘋狂搶錢既audio lab,無疑佢地套auro3d應該係有啲料到但denon簽到佢前一直都只有佢自家果3部浮雕面板processer可decode…佢地site解釋套auro3d大概係在原有dobey5.1/7.1既每條聲道都上置一隻3d surround ch…另外在聲位正上方再加一隻…咁樣構成11.1 auro3d/14.1auro3dmax…部浮雕processer最平一部講緊三千老美,另外每年要續年費先可下載當年既codec否則新出既支援既movie將不能重播11.1auro3d
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