小弟正使用Yamaha 3040, 現想加後級, 如選擇返 Yamaha MX-A5000 match 返一套, 大家覺得如何呢?或者差不多價錢, 有更好推介嗎?
THX! 按 Ching budget , 有好多 choice 不過Yamaha 後級有11 ch , 可玩多D ch. ! 尼個價位既後級⋯⋯仲用日系品牌⋯⋯會唔後side左部3040丫?
比我一定唔會考慮日糸機種power amp囉!
二手Lexicon …或者入部Crown都得啦!
本帖最後由 jason1969 於 2015-4-20 15:04 編輯
Yamaha MX-A 5000 可以玩Bi-amping.
In Addition to 11.2-channel Output, 5-channel Bi-amping and Other Configurations Are Possible
The MX-A5000 and CX-A5000 are designed to allow flexible system building. Complementing their 11-channel output that maximizes Cinema DSP HD3 performance and makes the most of the capabilities of the speakers, they also support bi-amping for driving tweeter and woofer with separate amps. Furthermore, they allow bi-amping of all five channels using the 11 internal channels. Extra amps can be used to power multiple zones in addition to the main room, letting you configure your system for music play in a bedroom or kitchen. On the MX-A5000, you can switch all 11-channel input jacks back and forth between balanced and unbalanced for each channel, further increasing system flexibility.
jason1969 發表於 2015-4-20 15:01 static/image/common/back.gif
Yamaha MX-A 5000 可以玩Bi-amping.
http://usa.yamaha.com/products/audio-visual/aventage/mx-a5000_bla ...
呢部機得 650w 玩 11 channel, 大把合併好力過佢,買佢不如留番 d $ 買碟仲好。 建議師兄買部7ch後級黎推個基本7聲道或bi amp推5聲道 太陽火/力士康/易mod條花,
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 本帖最後由 xhatax 於 2015-4-20 18:39 編輯
wadee 發表於 2015-4-20 18:10 static/image/common/back.gif
建議師兄買部7ch後級黎推個基本7聲道或bi amp推5聲道
師兄,我都想加後級,請問有邊部可以介紹吓。我想玩 7.1.4thx...{:6_128:} 本帖最後由 sharkpigyu 於 2015-4-20 18:44 編輯
有位有budget就Lexicon ZX7
我都用緊3040加RX7 已經好正! Lexicon ZX7
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)