《狂野時速7》FURIOUS 7 : It's time to say goodbye to Paul Walker
本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2015-6-25 16:38 編輯Recently, I've been bloody busy, no matter how much I wanted to watch FURIOUS 7, the final film of Paul Walker, I still didn't have time to watch it until yesterday. I orginally planned to watch it next week, however, I spontaneously went to see it when I bought something nearby the theatre.
To be frank, FURIOUS 7 is not as fabulous as I imagined before watching it, but I considered it the second best in the series. Justin Lin, who directed the franchise since the third one, had de facto brought the franchise back to life and pushed the boxoffice to the tipping point, however, he no longer directed the seventh installment, he was actually replaced by James Wan, who's good at making horror films.
Without a doubt, James Wan is an illustrious filmmaker, despite Justin Lin did better than he did, he still succeeded in maintaining FURIOUS 7 at the high level. Apparently, James Wan had to get through this film heavily as Paul Walker died in the car crash while the film was still in production. However, James Wan didn't give up, he insisted to honor FURIOUS 7 by using creative regimes. He used the footage that Paul had previously filmed in the last installments and employed Paul's brothers, Cody and Caleb to be the stand-ins, using the CGI to duplicate Paul's face and voice, that had thoroughly saved the whole movie.
On the other hand, I truly appreciate Chris Morgan, who wrote the screenplays for FURIOUS 7 and the previous episodes. As Paul passed away in the middle of the filming, Chris Morgan had to rewrite the entire story in order to make the movie as perfect as possible. Luckily, he didn't create a villain to kill off Paul's character, instead, he used the love story between Vin Diesel's role and Michelle Rodriguez's role to replace the story line and retired Paul's role in an immaculate way.
To conclude, all the actors perform perfectly, and the director and the screenwriter have done a marvelous job, the fighting scenes are exhilarating, the action design is creative, the ending of the film is too touching, I nearly shed my tears while watching Paul's flashback. FURIOUS 7 has proved one thing, the franchise won't be intact without Paul's involvement.
Rest in peace, Paul Walker, thank you for giving us the most beautiful moments!!
Rating: 80 / 100
jayjay 發表於 2015-4-16 19:20 static/image/common/back.gif
ching, 我昨天早上都睇左!感覺上好開心完滿, 有入錯戲院睇呢套"終極篇"(我自己認為!). 一套超娛樂性之電影!雖然劇情又係咁囉, 又誇張!但睇得真係好開心, 加上呢部戲將近年荷里活的格鬥之王集於此片(雲狄素, Jason Satham, Rock), 又有Tony Jaa(雖然是咖哩啡, 但佢打得好勁, 比之前"拳霸3"內表現還要狠, 可能佢想去荷里活發展, 所以打得特別投入!), 抵睇!
另外, 當雲狄素同Jason Satham對打果陣時, 我有一剎間似在做Crossover, 即是Xander Cage(xXx)同Frank Martin(The Transporter)對打. 好勁!而家想返起, 似我地成日期待李連杰同甄子丹一樣!好野!
最後, 我好喜歡Paul Walker之角色. 好型!好可惜佢...{:1_247:} 祝一路好走! 本帖最後由 kh22 於 2015-4-16 23:18 編輯
整體而言都算O.K.,誇張得來過癮,Ending感人得幾有心思,睇黎會有下集。 FURIOUS 7 passes $1.5 billion at the worldwide box office, becoming the fourth highest-grossing film ever!!!!
睇完呢套的評分我都係70前後, 中規中矩, 最喜歡的女角=猶太妹係上集死左, 較喜歡的巴西妹又係今集做花樽, 如果放D感情線畀佢同ROCK其實可能更正XD
(人地為你做人肉咕旬, 點會唔感動先)
而呢套戲不嬲成日將FAMILY掛起口邊的雲迪素, 我其實覺得麻麻地, 雖然導演已經好努力安排, 例如安排佢對黑妹失憶的處理.
而反派兩大陣容, 光頭JASON同TONY渣, 前者就好無敵, 後者就好大[茄], 感覺有D浪費啦.
打鬥方面, 同樣係打黑妹, 新入的RONDA ROUSEY有少少失望, 反而上集的CARA真有驚喜, 尤其係SUBWAY個場.
不過武器, 槍戰方面仍然維持水準, 整體都係一套娛樂性豐富的動作片黎.
套戲上咗唔使幾日已經買咗飛去海運坐DBOX嘆3D同鴨毛~~!! {:8_400:}
睇FAST & FURIOUS就好似睇die hard咁, 小弟都唔預咗啲故事好logic, 總之就係等住官能刺激同爆爆爆爆爆~~!! 仲要睇吓佢今集有咩花申~~!! {:8_368:}
以爆戲嚟講小弟覺得真係幾刺激, 個個都mission impossible上身咁永打死仲越嚟越勁, 成套戲有4-5場刺激場面又好連貫無悶場~~!! 正~~!! {:9_426:}
不過小弟同老婆最留意都係究竟邊啲位係paul做, 邊啲係佢細佬做(其實都唔難分, 只要paul既場面暗暗地同飛嚟飛去睇唔清個樣都係)~~!! {:9_423:}
既然係paul最後一次出現既戲, 個故事鋪定比Brian O'Conner退休都好正常, 但估唔到最後咁man既一套戲用一個好感人又好man既方法送走Brian O'Conner, 睇咗7集當然係會唔捨得同眼濕濕~~!!! {:6_128:}
Paul, R.I.P.~~!! 一路好走~~!!! {:8_387:} 本帖最後由 alleelarry 於 2015-4-16 12:50 編輯
mike384 發表於 2015-4-16 10:49 static/image/common/back.gif
睇完呢套的評分我都係70前後, 中規中矩, 最喜歡的女角=猶太妹係上集死左, 較喜歡的巴西妹又係今集做花樽,...
個人評分係整個系列最差既一套,故事係為要「發生」而「發生」,死既好快死,唔死既永遠都係打唔死,諗唔掂既場面就借鏡《職業特工隊》同埋《虎膽龍威》,配合埋《換命快遞》既 Jason Statham,感覺就是:
本集個人驚喜是 Kurt Russel 既演繹,角色本身可以好有發揮,估計因為不能太搶戲,淡出得非常突然,當佢攞起黑超時,真係好有達叔扮TERMINATOR FEEL! 本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2015-4-30 12:34 編輯
只好用英文打影評,不便之處,敬請見諒。 jayjay 發表於 2015-4-16 12:31 static/image/common/back.gif
不打緊啊! ykluk 發表於 2015-4-16 11:46 static/image/common/back.gif
睇FAST & FURIOUS就好似睇die hard咁,...
陸爺,根據 IMDB 資料顯示未有以 ATMOS 作為 SOUNDMIX 啊!
再者,本片並不是真3D及真IMAX,更加沒有用上 4K 拍攝,大銀幕未必有優勢! alleelarry 發表於 2015-4-16 12:39 static/image/common/back.gif
陸爺,根據 IMDB 資料顯示未有以 ATMOS 作為 SOUNDMIX 啊!
再者,本片並不是真3D及真IMAX,更加沒有用 ...
是旦啦, 下下計住晒先買飛入場唔似我(老婆)作風, 我(老婆)條出街睇戲癮一起就要即刻3D+Atoms+Dbox入場架喇~~!!! {:8_368:}
睇戲都係enjoy啫~~!! {:6_208:} ykluk 發表於 2015-4-16 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
是旦啦, 下下計住晒先買飛入場唔似我(老婆)作風, 我(老婆)條出街睇戲癮一起就要即刻3D+Atoms+Dbox入場架 ...
了解!娛樂最緊要,聽歌唔要聽格式,睇戲唔要睇SPEC;尋日順便係星影匯睇埋《衝鋒車》,2號院規模細好多,但畫面同聲效都正過1號院既《狂7》,尤其張櫈既低頻震盪都勁D! alleelarry 發表於 2015-4-16 12:27 static/image/common/back.gif
個人評分係整個系列最差既一套,故事係為要「發生」而「發生」,死既好快死,唔死既永遠都係打唔死,諗唔 ...
7集之中, 我最頂唔順的係3同4.
3>>做乜鬼突然REBOOT? 劇情牽強, 角色生硬, 女角唔靚, 作為背景的東京都好抽離, 不過鬼佬片常見都算了.
4>>記得係講墨西哥邊境的偷渡, 整體上冇乜亮點, 唔夠3難睇, 但都唔好睇.